This is mostly a political blog, of a conservative,Libertarian bent, but I will post pics of our pets, and talk occasionally about the necklaces and other things that I make and paint.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Cranky Libertarian: The Puppetmaster Speaks"
The Cranky Libertarian: The Puppetmaster Speaks": " At a dinner given to honor George Soros by the International Crisis Society, Soros took the time in an interview t..."
The Puppetmaster Speaks"
At a dinner given to honor George Soros by the International Crisis Society, Soros took the time in an interview to really blast the Fox News Channel, and Glenn Beck in particular. He lamented that Beck is "Some kind of throwback to radical elements", and that " never before have they been given such a public platform to foment their hate". Well now, maybe that last part, except for the bit about hate, is true. The Conservative majority of the American public has never had a fair platform to discuss and to be informed about what the government and the people in it are doing. The dinosaur media has always been slanted to the left, and to the Left. Now, with Fox News, both sides have a place to discuss and debate the current goings on in government and in public society. And most of that dinosaur media is fighting against Fox, trying to get them taken off of the air. It won't work. Thank goodness.
Now, back to Soros. This is arguably the most powerful man in the world because he has the means to take down the monetary system of virtually any country in the world, and he has done it before. The latest was the monetary system in Great Britain in 1992. He could, at this time of a weakened dollar, bring about a total collapse of the U.S. dollar, bringing us to our knees, and speeding us toward a One World Society, which is what the Uber Left has dreamed of for 100 years. This Uber Left and George Soros are constantly calling Beck a liar, a delusional fanatic, and any other bad name they can think of, or use in public. But no one has brought a lawsuit against Beck, and the White House had a direct phone line to call him at any point in time if he said something that was wrong. They never called. Go figure. And Soros has the money, and I'm sure has lawyers on retainer, to jump on anything that Beck might get wrong in his expose' of the connections between Soros and the extreme Left wing radical groups that HE supports, sometimes to the exclusivity of any other support that they might get. The fact that no one has yet to bring such a lawsuit is as telling as anything that they might say in describing Glenn.
Beck has been almost a seer in predicting the things that are happening right now, things that he talked and warned about four or five years ago. He warned us about the falling dollar back at least three years ago, because that's how long I have listened to him, and I remember thinking that he didn't know what he was talking about. But he did, because it's happening right now. We are in danger in this Country of losing our identity, and no one in the dinosaur media is saying anything about it. No one is doing the research except Glenn, to find, and expose all of the connections on the extreme left that are aligning to force change on America, change that the vast majority of us do not want! Look at the "Shellacking" that we handed the Democrats in the just held mid-term elections.The success of the Tea party Movement is because we don't like the things that the Dems forced down our throats with the help of President Obama, and we don't want it to happen again. And we owe a great deal of that success to Glenn Beck and Fox News, because they at least talked about us like we were adults with a brain, and that allowed us to join together and realize the power that we actually have. And that power wasn't based on, or tolerant of hate, or bias, or violence. So George Soros is wrong--again. Let him bring a suit against Glenn and the Fox Channel if he has been lied about. Otherwise--be quiet!! And the same goes for MSNBC, and CNN, and all the rest of the dinosaur media. Yeah, fat chance of that, right? Not Racist, Not Violent, No Longer Silent.
Now, back to Soros. This is arguably the most powerful man in the world because he has the means to take down the monetary system of virtually any country in the world, and he has done it before. The latest was the monetary system in Great Britain in 1992. He could, at this time of a weakened dollar, bring about a total collapse of the U.S. dollar, bringing us to our knees, and speeding us toward a One World Society, which is what the Uber Left has dreamed of for 100 years. This Uber Left and George Soros are constantly calling Beck a liar, a delusional fanatic, and any other bad name they can think of, or use in public. But no one has brought a lawsuit against Beck, and the White House had a direct phone line to call him at any point in time if he said something that was wrong. They never called. Go figure. And Soros has the money, and I'm sure has lawyers on retainer, to jump on anything that Beck might get wrong in his expose' of the connections between Soros and the extreme Left wing radical groups that HE supports, sometimes to the exclusivity of any other support that they might get. The fact that no one has yet to bring such a lawsuit is as telling as anything that they might say in describing Glenn.
Beck has been almost a seer in predicting the things that are happening right now, things that he talked and warned about four or five years ago. He warned us about the falling dollar back at least three years ago, because that's how long I have listened to him, and I remember thinking that he didn't know what he was talking about. But he did, because it's happening right now. We are in danger in this Country of losing our identity, and no one in the dinosaur media is saying anything about it. No one is doing the research except Glenn, to find, and expose all of the connections on the extreme left that are aligning to force change on America, change that the vast majority of us do not want! Look at the "Shellacking" that we handed the Democrats in the just held mid-term elections.The success of the Tea party Movement is because we don't like the things that the Dems forced down our throats with the help of President Obama, and we don't want it to happen again. And we owe a great deal of that success to Glenn Beck and Fox News, because they at least talked about us like we were adults with a brain, and that allowed us to join together and realize the power that we actually have. And that power wasn't based on, or tolerant of hate, or bias, or violence. So George Soros is wrong--again. Let him bring a suit against Glenn and the Fox Channel if he has been lied about. Otherwise--be quiet!! And the same goes for MSNBC, and CNN, and all the rest of the dinosaur media. Yeah, fat chance of that, right? Not Racist, Not Violent, No Longer Silent.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Who are you calling a Millionaire?
I am sooooooo sick of hearing them called "the Bush tax cuts" when talking about the current unfathomable divide over the 'tax cuts' that are about to expire, raising taxes on everyone, and not just the darn 'rich' people. I sure have no idea where people who are talking about small business owners, who file their business taxes along with their personal taxes and claim more than $250,000 per year income, are 'rich' because after those pesky business expenses, I have known folks with less than $30,000 to support a family of five. So, they aren't 'rich' by any means, and have to budget just like all the rest of us 'not rich' people. But I will wager than even the Sean Hannity's of the world's too much a part of their DNA, or they wouldn't BE rich.
Have you ever worked for a poor person? I haven't, and I have had a number of well paying jobs, many with a lot of cache', too, but none of them were for poor folks. There seems to be this disconnect about what rich people do for this country. Well, lets look at a few things:
they employ gardeners who then might have a year-round job, either taking care of their yard, snow removal, pool maintenance, etc. They buy new cars on a regular basis, employing auto workers. If they really have the "big bucks", they might buy a jet and/or a yacht, allowing hundreds of artisans and other workers to keep working. Not to mention bodyguards, teachers in private schools, who, by the way, are paid considerably less than teachers in the public schools, who have to keep the Union big shots living in luxury. Think I'm wrong? Look it up, the information is readily available.
And, by the way, what is it with the language that the Left alters for their use? Lately, when talking about the Obama Tax Increases, they always say that the taxes will only go up for " Millionaires", but since when is $250,000 considered a million bucks? I mean, I know that those on the Left have iffy math and economic skills, but if they live in NYC, or Jersey, or San Diego, or any of a hundred other big cities, they know from personal experience that if someone makes $250,000 dollars a year, and is at least a couple, or worse, a family, it will take them a very long time, (like a hundred years), to ever collect a million dollars in their accounts. But yet the Left, the Progressives, just constantly say "Millionaires", and they say it like it's a bad word! Come on, folks! Don't you want to be a millionaire someday? I'd like it, but the only way it could ever happen is if one of us won the Powerball or something. And since we rarely even play, that would be something! LOL And I'm just as frustrated when these people, like Nancy Pelosi,make plum ignorant statements! Right before she called for a vote to extend the Tax Cuts permanently, but only for the Middle Class, knowing full well that it had zero chance of passing the Senate. She did it only so that they would have the chance, one last time, to try to demonize the Republicans by saying"See, the Republicans only care about their rich friends and Corporations! See! See?" Boy will I be glad when I don't have to look at that wax figurine! At least, not as often, and at least knowing that she got slapped pretty well at the last election. And will someone please get the woman a decent make-up artist?
Come on, people! Look this stuff up, on the Internet, or in the Library. I am telling you the truth! It's time to reward excellence in this Country again. It's a good thing to produce or package, or sell something wanted by a segment of the population, or hopefully, a lot of segments of the worldwide population. These are the people who generate jobs! Make all of the tax cuts permanent. Maybe then, our economy can begin to recover.
Have you ever worked for a poor person? I haven't, and I have had a number of well paying jobs, many with a lot of cache', too, but none of them were for poor folks. There seems to be this disconnect about what rich people do for this country. Well, lets look at a few things:
they employ gardeners who then might have a year-round job, either taking care of their yard, snow removal, pool maintenance, etc. They buy new cars on a regular basis, employing auto workers. If they really have the "big bucks", they might buy a jet and/or a yacht, allowing hundreds of artisans and other workers to keep working. Not to mention bodyguards, teachers in private schools, who, by the way, are paid considerably less than teachers in the public schools, who have to keep the Union big shots living in luxury. Think I'm wrong? Look it up, the information is readily available.
And, by the way, what is it with the language that the Left alters for their use? Lately, when talking about the Obama Tax Increases, they always say that the taxes will only go up for " Millionaires", but since when is $250,000 considered a million bucks? I mean, I know that those on the Left have iffy math and economic skills, but if they live in NYC, or Jersey, or San Diego, or any of a hundred other big cities, they know from personal experience that if someone makes $250,000 dollars a year, and is at least a couple, or worse, a family, it will take them a very long time, (like a hundred years), to ever collect a million dollars in their accounts. But yet the Left, the Progressives, just constantly say "Millionaires", and they say it like it's a bad word! Come on, folks! Don't you want to be a millionaire someday? I'd like it, but the only way it could ever happen is if one of us won the Powerball or something. And since we rarely even play, that would be something! LOL And I'm just as frustrated when these people, like Nancy Pelosi,make plum ignorant statements! Right before she called for a vote to extend the Tax Cuts permanently, but only for the Middle Class, knowing full well that it had zero chance of passing the Senate. She did it only so that they would have the chance, one last time, to try to demonize the Republicans by saying"See, the Republicans only care about their rich friends and Corporations! See! See?" Boy will I be glad when I don't have to look at that wax figurine! At least, not as often, and at least knowing that she got slapped pretty well at the last election. And will someone please get the woman a decent make-up artist?
Come on, people! Look this stuff up, on the Internet, or in the Library. I am telling you the truth! It's time to reward excellence in this Country again. It's a good thing to produce or package, or sell something wanted by a segment of the population, or hopefully, a lot of segments of the worldwide population. These are the people who generate jobs! Make all of the tax cuts permanent. Maybe then, our economy can begin to recover.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Profit now a bad word??
I must have missed the memo: when did the word "profit" take on the persona of a 'four-letter' word? To hear the Democrats and the President, companies are not supposed to earn a profit unless they give it all to the government so that they can "share the wealth". By now, I'm sure that most people who are interested have heard the President talk about the villainous CEO's and other executives who make millions in bonuses, and those companies who post high profits. But there is never any mention of actual "profit margins", which is what the company has to actually use to pay out 'dividends' to share holders, and use for exploration and R&D. Most of the oil and gas companies, as of the last quarter posted, have profit margins of under 10%. And they pay huge amounts in taxes to our government every year,such as the amount deferred for this year for 1st and 2nd quarter of 2010, from BP oil company of $20,156,000 in March, and $11,049,000 in June, according to Forbe' That isn't chicken feed, folks, and right now we can use every bit of the extraordinarily large amounts of money from big oil going into the U.S. coffers, since we have such a huge debt accumulating minute by minute.
However, regardless of all of the figures, we are a Capitalist economy folks. Why should any company have to practically grovel if they post a profit? That's what Capitalism is all about, profit and loss. The government should not have bailed out any company...failure is what clears out the riff-raff, people! GM should have been allowed to declare bankruptcy. At least the stockholders would have been paid what they were due before any other entity. As it is, they got shafted, big time. Those stockholders included retirement funds for teachers and firemen,police, etc., and their people took a very large hit, even forcing some to have to go back to work. But the Unions got their money, didn't they? Funny how large donations to Obama's election coffers translates to bonus points for the Unions, and GE, among others. Has the CEO of GE been called on the carpet? No, but Jeffery Imalt has been a frequent guest of the White House. Go figure!
But back to my original question, just when did the word 'profit' become such a bad word? Although they have been influencing what is taught to our children, most of which don't even get any economics classes, I think it really began when the Dems took over control of the House and Senate, then really hit a peak when Obama took office and they knew that they had a free rein to monopolize the 'conversation' of economics. Then the Recession hit, and everyone was looking for someone to blame. Rich Executives are always a good bet, because of the wealth-envy that has been used by the Dems for decades. And it didn't help that most of the so-called 'Czars' of Obama's Cabinet are anti-capitalism.especially his Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein. But that's a column for another day.
This Nation is a Capitalist country, folks. It has allowed us to become the business owners that we dream of being, or allowing someone to work their way up in a company because they have the work ethic that the company is looking for. It allows hundreds or thousands of people to keep their jobs making limousines and yachts, and installing new technology in houses, or building those houses. Don't you realize all of the people who will be out of work if the wealthy in America pick up and move? These people can live anywhere they want, and still do what they want. Obama keeps referring to the "millionaires, and billionaires" who would be affected if they let the Bush tax rates expire for those making $250,000 or more per year. But those business owners who declare their taxes from the business on their personal income tax are not in any way millionaires and billionaires. They are our neighbors and cousins, or friends. They own the pizza shop down the road, or the small gas and grocery store on the highway. In New York City, buying a tiny apartment might cost you $250,000, so how can that be considered a lot of money in NYC?? Rents on studio apartments can be upwards of $800 or more per month, so I think that the amount of money considered a lot, or enough, to warrant paying a much larger amount of taxes every year ought to be reconfigured. And I think we need to stop vilifying companies and people who make a 'profit' and congratulate them for catching the American Dream. And lets hope they continue to hang on, and maybe they will eventually have some jobs for some of those unemployed who believed that Obama meant it when he said the Stimulus money would keep unemployment to "below 8%". Profit is what has fueled the growth and prominence of America for all these years. Maybe we should embrace it again.
However, regardless of all of the figures, we are a Capitalist economy folks. Why should any company have to practically grovel if they post a profit? That's what Capitalism is all about, profit and loss. The government should not have bailed out any company...failure is what clears out the riff-raff, people! GM should have been allowed to declare bankruptcy. At least the stockholders would have been paid what they were due before any other entity. As it is, they got shafted, big time. Those stockholders included retirement funds for teachers and firemen,police, etc., and their people took a very large hit, even forcing some to have to go back to work. But the Unions got their money, didn't they? Funny how large donations to Obama's election coffers translates to bonus points for the Unions, and GE, among others. Has the CEO of GE been called on the carpet? No, but Jeffery Imalt has been a frequent guest of the White House. Go figure!
But back to my original question, just when did the word 'profit' become such a bad word? Although they have been influencing what is taught to our children, most of which don't even get any economics classes, I think it really began when the Dems took over control of the House and Senate, then really hit a peak when Obama took office and they knew that they had a free rein to monopolize the 'conversation' of economics. Then the Recession hit, and everyone was looking for someone to blame. Rich Executives are always a good bet, because of the wealth-envy that has been used by the Dems for decades. And it didn't help that most of the so-called 'Czars' of Obama's Cabinet are anti-capitalism.especially his Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein. But that's a column for another day.
This Nation is a Capitalist country, folks. It has allowed us to become the business owners that we dream of being, or allowing someone to work their way up in a company because they have the work ethic that the company is looking for. It allows hundreds or thousands of people to keep their jobs making limousines and yachts, and installing new technology in houses, or building those houses. Don't you realize all of the people who will be out of work if the wealthy in America pick up and move? These people can live anywhere they want, and still do what they want. Obama keeps referring to the "millionaires, and billionaires" who would be affected if they let the Bush tax rates expire for those making $250,000 or more per year. But those business owners who declare their taxes from the business on their personal income tax are not in any way millionaires and billionaires. They are our neighbors and cousins, or friends. They own the pizza shop down the road, or the small gas and grocery store on the highway. In New York City, buying a tiny apartment might cost you $250,000, so how can that be considered a lot of money in NYC?? Rents on studio apartments can be upwards of $800 or more per month, so I think that the amount of money considered a lot, or enough, to warrant paying a much larger amount of taxes every year ought to be reconfigured. And I think we need to stop vilifying companies and people who make a 'profit' and congratulate them for catching the American Dream. And lets hope they continue to hang on, and maybe they will eventually have some jobs for some of those unemployed who believed that Obama meant it when he said the Stimulus money would keep unemployment to "below 8%". Profit is what has fueled the growth and prominence of America for all these years. Maybe we should embrace it again.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Restoring Honor
Well, Glenn Beck blew away all estimates of the size of the crowd that he would have at his "Restoring Honor" rally Saturday, the 8th, even though most in the dinosaur media did their best to poke fun of the whole idea beforehand, and saying that he would maybe have 100 or 200 people show up. Well, the Parks Service has said in the past that if the two sides of the reflecting pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument are full, that it's at least 250,000. Well, look at the pictures...there are hundreds of thousands more than that!! People not only extend beyond the Washington Monument, they packed in under the trees, and covered the large grassy area to the left side of the monuments, (looking from the Washington Monument back toward Lincoln). I tried to get some of the pics to put in here, but all were copyrighted, so, go look them up. It's easy enough. CBS News hired company to take pics, yet they still came up with a silly 87,000 for their estimate.NBC News was told by one parks service official that there seemed to be about 300,000. At least Scarborough reported Monday morning that there were 500,000. The Associated Press reported that there were "tens of thousands", and yet they took some of the totally revealing photos showing at least 500,000, maybe up to 700,000. I watched the entire event, since I didn't have the money to go, and I would say there were at least 400,000 and maybe more. But what do I know.
Anyway, the event was spectacular and there wasn't even any fireworks. Although, when Glenn introduced the Black Brigade, a group of 240 ministers, rabbis, imams, and priests, it was amazing. In case you were educated, as I was, in the public schools, you might not know that the original Black Brigade was during the time just before and during the War for Independence. It was called that because it was the preachers of all faiths that wore black robes. The British hated them, because they were calling on their men to fight, so they were targeted and killed whenever found. But this black brigade,all men and women of the cloth, of all religions, will spread the words of the gathering that Saturday, those of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Of doing the right thing, in our own lives first, and in our churches, and communities after that. We must get back to the founding principles that brought our country into being, the same Judeo-Christian principles that have sustained us in times of need from those first days on, those of faith, hope and charity. Love for your neighbor, even if you disagree on almost everything. The message was of turning back to God, and letting Him guide us in our lives. It doesn't matter what God you believe in, get down on your knees and pray for guidance, pray for our Country, pray for our President, and the Congress, and expect miracles. I for one, will be praying for the Speaker of the House, and not to wind up under a house, like her sister did, either. Instead that she will awaken from her stupor, and do what's right for the Country, but that's an awfully big miracle to hope for.
Alveda King, MLK's niece, came and gave a wonderful speech, and at great risk to herself; she had said on the previous Friday's show, that she had also been told that she wasn't qualified to speak at the same place as Martin Luther King. What utter nonsense!! Who would have the audacity to even say such a thing except a Big Government Progressive. The liberal, dinosaur media, and most of the other Liberals in the Country seem to be totally freaking out about Glenn, especially after they have just seen the crowds that he can bring to an event. And it wasn't even political; there were no signs, no one handing out anything of a political nature, just people and their families, men and women and their kids. Who else can draw a crowd of this size, and there be not one, single arrest, not even any fights that anyone can point to. When Al Sharpten's group marched past, no one even said a single word. And the entire Mall was spotless when everyone left. I heard that there were people walking around with their pokers and barrels, looking for trash, but there wasn't any. Not any! Compare photos with the Mall after Obama's Inaugural Speech, where the grounds were totally trashed. I think the difference was God. The people who came Saturday had respect for the Monuments, and the Mall as a whole. They respect God's Missive to care for the Earth, and not with meaningless bills and laws trying to restrict our businesses and energy companies. So-called 'green jobs and industry' will come to America more rapidly if the Government just lets private business do what they do--innovate! It's already happening.
Anyway, back to the event held by Beck:this was scheduled many months ahead, and not to coincide with MLK's speech day-that was an accident, but a good one. This event was solely held for those of us who want to get back to the morals and values that made this Country great, those of Faith, Hope and Charity. Yes, there were a lot of Tea Party participants, but there were also Democrats, and Independents, too. Even a "few" Republicans. (Tee heehee) But more than anything, this gathering of just regular folks has made the dinosaur media just sputter, because they do not know what to do with it but to lie, and hope some of it sticks. The Huffington Post had several photos that they listed as 'crazy people' with someone wearing a tee shirt that read "RESTORING HONOR". Does that sound crazy? Or does that sound like someone you might know? How about the picture of a man with a pocket Constitution in his front pocket? Huffington says that, too, is 'crazy'. Really? Or might that be closer to sounding like your neighbor, or your cousin? Maybe even you?
It was a very uplifting day for everyone there, and those of us who watched. I encourage you to try to find a copy of the C-Span video; they filmed the whole thing. Watch it for yourself, with a open mind, if you can. But even if you can't, I think that by the time you reach the end, you might feel differently.
Anyway, the event was spectacular and there wasn't even any fireworks. Although, when Glenn introduced the Black Brigade, a group of 240 ministers, rabbis, imams, and priests, it was amazing. In case you were educated, as I was, in the public schools, you might not know that the original Black Brigade was during the time just before and during the War for Independence. It was called that because it was the preachers of all faiths that wore black robes. The British hated them, because they were calling on their men to fight, so they were targeted and killed whenever found. But this black brigade,all men and women of the cloth, of all religions, will spread the words of the gathering that Saturday, those of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Of doing the right thing, in our own lives first, and in our churches, and communities after that. We must get back to the founding principles that brought our country into being, the same Judeo-Christian principles that have sustained us in times of need from those first days on, those of faith, hope and charity. Love for your neighbor, even if you disagree on almost everything. The message was of turning back to God, and letting Him guide us in our lives. It doesn't matter what God you believe in, get down on your knees and pray for guidance, pray for our Country, pray for our President, and the Congress, and expect miracles. I for one, will be praying for the Speaker of the House, and not to wind up under a house, like her sister did, either. Instead that she will awaken from her stupor, and do what's right for the Country, but that's an awfully big miracle to hope for.
Alveda King, MLK's niece, came and gave a wonderful speech, and at great risk to herself; she had said on the previous Friday's show, that she had also been told that she wasn't qualified to speak at the same place as Martin Luther King. What utter nonsense!! Who would have the audacity to even say such a thing except a Big Government Progressive. The liberal, dinosaur media, and most of the other Liberals in the Country seem to be totally freaking out about Glenn, especially after they have just seen the crowds that he can bring to an event. And it wasn't even political; there were no signs, no one handing out anything of a political nature, just people and their families, men and women and their kids. Who else can draw a crowd of this size, and there be not one, single arrest, not even any fights that anyone can point to. When Al Sharpten's group marched past, no one even said a single word. And the entire Mall was spotless when everyone left. I heard that there were people walking around with their pokers and barrels, looking for trash, but there wasn't any. Not any! Compare photos with the Mall after Obama's Inaugural Speech, where the grounds were totally trashed. I think the difference was God. The people who came Saturday had respect for the Monuments, and the Mall as a whole. They respect God's Missive to care for the Earth, and not with meaningless bills and laws trying to restrict our businesses and energy companies. So-called 'green jobs and industry' will come to America more rapidly if the Government just lets private business do what they do--innovate! It's already happening.
Anyway, back to the event held by Beck:this was scheduled many months ahead, and not to coincide with MLK's speech day-that was an accident, but a good one. This event was solely held for those of us who want to get back to the morals and values that made this Country great, those of Faith, Hope and Charity. Yes, there were a lot of Tea Party participants, but there were also Democrats, and Independents, too. Even a "few" Republicans. (Tee heehee) But more than anything, this gathering of just regular folks has made the dinosaur media just sputter, because they do not know what to do with it but to lie, and hope some of it sticks. The Huffington Post had several photos that they listed as 'crazy people' with someone wearing a tee shirt that read "RESTORING HONOR". Does that sound crazy? Or does that sound like someone you might know? How about the picture of a man with a pocket Constitution in his front pocket? Huffington says that, too, is 'crazy'. Really? Or might that be closer to sounding like your neighbor, or your cousin? Maybe even you?
It was a very uplifting day for everyone there, and those of us who watched. I encourage you to try to find a copy of the C-Span video; they filmed the whole thing. Watch it for yourself, with a open mind, if you can. But even if you can't, I think that by the time you reach the end, you might feel differently.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Turning Point
The Democratic Republic in which we reside may be at a turning point right now.We are going through a sea change at such a rapid pace, thanks to this Administration's policies and muted accomplishments, that it has given rise to a phenomenon in American politics not seen since the formation of this great nation-the Tea Party Movement. And this movement seems to have gotten the attention of Washington D.C., no small feat. The 'anti-incumbent' mood of the Tea Partiers appears to worry both Partys, but the Democrats more so, to hear the vitriol when they speak of the Tea Party Movement, or any of it's prominent players, such as Sarah Palin. And we all know how brutal the Dems and their lap dogs, the dinosaur media, have been to Sarah.
To hear the Dems discus the Tea Party, one might get the impression that we are all racist, violent homophobes, frothing at the mouth, possibly rabid and carrying AK47's with an extra clip in our pockets, 'just in case'.
We have been called everything that one can use as bad, and I sometimes wish I did have an AK-47,but only for self-protection if things go bad someday. And an extra clip for anything is just smart. But I am not racist, and neither are any of the other Tea Partiers, nor are we violent, or homophobic. However, we do mostly believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I have many gay friends, some of whom have gotten married, and I don't get all bent out of shape about it. It doesn't really affect me, and the Libertarian in me says that it's their own business. As long as it doesn't deprive me of life, liberty, or property, it, again, doesn't affect me. But then my values say that it does affect me, as it contributes to the breakdown of society that is going on now. And I worry and pray for the society and the Country because it is slowly disappearing right before our eyes. However, I don't think the Democratic Party, or SEIU, or the AFL-CIO, or even the Administration can point to a single racist, or violent occurrence by a legitimate Tea Party member, and that wasn't the work of an implant, probably from the SEIU, or ACORN. Just look at the professionally produced signs that they carry, then look around...virtually all of the signs of Tea Party members are homemade.
Earlier this year, after the Tea Party Rally in D.C. when the first real accusations of racism began to circulate, Brett Brietbart offered a $ 100,000 dollar reward for pictures of racist signs, or actions, and the reward went unclaimed. It seems likely, with all of the TV cameras and photographers that were there, that SOMEONE would have produced some real evidence. They can't, because it doesn't exist. Tea Party members are tired of the lies and virtual theft coming out of Washington year after year. We are waking up to the realization that if we revere the Constitution, we have to act. Our Representatives and Senators and especially the president, have forgotten that they swore to uphold the Constitution, which lays forth the powers enumerated to each branch. Obama has done so many things that are NOT given to the president or his CZARS, that I have trouble remembering them. And the whole Czar thing in the first place is ridiculous! I know that Bush started it, but he is a Progressive, too, just a Republican one, and by nature went much slower in appointing people and calling them 'czars'.I remember only one, although there might turn out to be more. I'm just saying that part of the drive of the Tea Parties, is the seeming irreverence of those that we have sent to Washington when it comes to the Constitution. There is nothing in there that gives a President the power to take over a car company, or decimate business and banking in the ways that he has. Another reason that the Tea Party is spreading and growing is because we all know that our great Country's debt is unsustainable, and the Obama Administration even admitted that. We are right now barely able to make the interest payments, and that will actually happen in a very few years. I believe they said that would happen in 2013 if we don't get it under control fast. And we pay enough in taxes now, and do not believe the President when he says that we middle class folks will not see our taxes raised.Programs like Medicaid are getting cuts already, and doctors in Texas are even considering not treating Medicaid patients because of the cuts in pay. Great...thousands are about to be dumped onto the Medicaid rolls, and doctors are thinking about not accepting them as patients. Funny thing is, what good does having insurance do you if you can't find a doctor to treat you? Medicare patients might have a hard time, too, since there is already a shortage of physicians to treat the elderly in many states, and now that the 'Boomers' are getting to the age to start collecting Medicare, and needing doctors more often, this is not good. Not good at all.
Besides pushing the ridiculous Obamacare bill through, about the only other policy that Obama has made good on is the one where he said that he would make a "Fundamental Change in America", which he said many times during the run-up to the nomination, and even in his Inaugural Address. And after taking over the banking industry, the largest car-maker in America, and piling regulations on everything from clean air to Wall Street, I'd say he's come pretty close to that fundamental change; we're almost France now, as most of Europe tries to become more like us. It would be funny if it wasn't so scary. Maybe Obama isn't a clear Socialist, but his policies sure are.
No, Tea Party Movement members are not racist, or why would our Black members stick around? We are not violent, or why would Grandparents bring their Grandchildren with them? But we are also no longer silent, no longer asleep at the wheel, and we are spreading the word, and growing in numbers exponentially. By the time it is time to vote, our numbers will be huge--mark my words. We will not remain silent while the Obama Administration turns our beloved Country into another Greece.We will no longer remain silent while our system of Capitalism is decimated. And we will no longer stay at home while Washington D.C. destroys the America that we love. Not racist, not violent, No Longer Silent. Remember those words.
To hear the Dems discus the Tea Party, one might get the impression that we are all racist, violent homophobes, frothing at the mouth, possibly rabid and carrying AK47's with an extra clip in our pockets, 'just in case'.
We have been called everything that one can use as bad, and I sometimes wish I did have an AK-47,but only for self-protection if things go bad someday. And an extra clip for anything is just smart. But I am not racist, and neither are any of the other Tea Partiers, nor are we violent, or homophobic. However, we do mostly believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I have many gay friends, some of whom have gotten married, and I don't get all bent out of shape about it. It doesn't really affect me, and the Libertarian in me says that it's their own business. As long as it doesn't deprive me of life, liberty, or property, it, again, doesn't affect me. But then my values say that it does affect me, as it contributes to the breakdown of society that is going on now. And I worry and pray for the society and the Country because it is slowly disappearing right before our eyes. However, I don't think the Democratic Party, or SEIU, or the AFL-CIO, or even the Administration can point to a single racist, or violent occurrence by a legitimate Tea Party member, and that wasn't the work of an implant, probably from the SEIU, or ACORN. Just look at the professionally produced signs that they carry, then look around...virtually all of the signs of Tea Party members are homemade.
Earlier this year, after the Tea Party Rally in D.C. when the first real accusations of racism began to circulate, Brett Brietbart offered a $ 100,000 dollar reward for pictures of racist signs, or actions, and the reward went unclaimed. It seems likely, with all of the TV cameras and photographers that were there, that SOMEONE would have produced some real evidence. They can't, because it doesn't exist. Tea Party members are tired of the lies and virtual theft coming out of Washington year after year. We are waking up to the realization that if we revere the Constitution, we have to act. Our Representatives and Senators and especially the president, have forgotten that they swore to uphold the Constitution, which lays forth the powers enumerated to each branch. Obama has done so many things that are NOT given to the president or his CZARS, that I have trouble remembering them. And the whole Czar thing in the first place is ridiculous! I know that Bush started it, but he is a Progressive, too, just a Republican one, and by nature went much slower in appointing people and calling them 'czars'.I remember only one, although there might turn out to be more. I'm just saying that part of the drive of the Tea Parties, is the seeming irreverence of those that we have sent to Washington when it comes to the Constitution. There is nothing in there that gives a President the power to take over a car company, or decimate business and banking in the ways that he has. Another reason that the Tea Party is spreading and growing is because we all know that our great Country's debt is unsustainable, and the Obama Administration even admitted that. We are right now barely able to make the interest payments, and that will actually happen in a very few years. I believe they said that would happen in 2013 if we don't get it under control fast. And we pay enough in taxes now, and do not believe the President when he says that we middle class folks will not see our taxes raised.Programs like Medicaid are getting cuts already, and doctors in Texas are even considering not treating Medicaid patients because of the cuts in pay. Great...thousands are about to be dumped onto the Medicaid rolls, and doctors are thinking about not accepting them as patients. Funny thing is, what good does having insurance do you if you can't find a doctor to treat you? Medicare patients might have a hard time, too, since there is already a shortage of physicians to treat the elderly in many states, and now that the 'Boomers' are getting to the age to start collecting Medicare, and needing doctors more often, this is not good. Not good at all.
Besides pushing the ridiculous Obamacare bill through, about the only other policy that Obama has made good on is the one where he said that he would make a "Fundamental Change in America", which he said many times during the run-up to the nomination, and even in his Inaugural Address. And after taking over the banking industry, the largest car-maker in America, and piling regulations on everything from clean air to Wall Street, I'd say he's come pretty close to that fundamental change; we're almost France now, as most of Europe tries to become more like us. It would be funny if it wasn't so scary. Maybe Obama isn't a clear Socialist, but his policies sure are.
No, Tea Party Movement members are not racist, or why would our Black members stick around? We are not violent, or why would Grandparents bring their Grandchildren with them? But we are also no longer silent, no longer asleep at the wheel, and we are spreading the word, and growing in numbers exponentially. By the time it is time to vote, our numbers will be huge--mark my words. We will not remain silent while the Obama Administration turns our beloved Country into another Greece.We will no longer remain silent while our system of Capitalism is decimated. And we will no longer stay at home while Washington D.C. destroys the America that we love. Not racist, not violent, No Longer Silent. Remember those words.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Who knew?
A few weeks ago, I was thrilled when Joe Sestak beat Arlan Spector in the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania, because Spector was one of the Senators who really needed to go. He had been in Congress too long. Of course, as a Democrat, I don't want him to win, and recent stories have come to light, that might make his attempt to become a Senator unsuccessful.
In a story in, on the 4th of July, we found out that Sestak is backed by I wonder if they are going to use the same people to falsify voter registration forms that they used in the '08 election to help get Obama elected...oh, I think most of them are still in jail, or on probation. Guess they will have to train others.Sestak's campaign also expected heavy voter support and financial backing from the Jewish community until a recent controversy came to light about Sestak's affiliation with C.A.I.R.,the Council on American-Islamic relations.
This week's edition of the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent has a large ad reminding voters that Sestak was the keynote speaker at a fundraising dinner for CAIR in 2007. 'Jewish American's for Sarah Palin', a group headed by Buddy Korn, a veteran activist for the Philadelphia Jewish community, and a former Editor-In-Chief for the Jewish Exponent, is running the ad. The ad states that Sestak was the keynote speaker at the fundraiser, despite substantial evidence that Cair has "ties to terrorism" according to Senator Charles Shumer, D-NY, in 2003. More than a dozen Cair officials have been either indicted or convicted on terror charges, including one who was active in 'Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group who carried out the attack last year on the Chabad Center in Mumbai, India. A rabbi and his wife were tortured and killed during the attack.
CAIR has been confirmed as a terrorist co-conspirator by the Justice Dept. Still, they are trying to keep alive a lawsuit against two investigators behind the expose' "Muslim Mafia: InsideThe Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America", which documents the D.C.-based group's founding and current activity as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas, the terrorist group of the Palestinians.
At a meeting in 2007, members of the local Jewish community pleaded with Sestak to withdraw as Keynote Speaker at the CAIR event, but he refused.
The ad also points out that Sestak refused to sign a Pro-Israeli letter that had been signed by 329 members of Congress last year, urging Obama to work closely with Israel , so as to advance peace. Sestak again refused an opportunity to sign another pro-Israel congressional letter this past March affirming that the U.S. and Israel are "close allies".
However, Sestak did sign a January letter, blasting Israel for using "collective punishment" against the Palestinians in Gaza, which sought to pressure Israel to to ease blockades against Hamas, which is still bombing Israel almost daily. "This is not a case of one isolated incident, or remark," according to Korn. "Joe Sestak has a record of embracing Muslim extremists and giving Israel the back of his hand. He would be the anti-Israel Senator that Washington has ever seen."Complicating matters more for Sestak, his Republican opponent, Pat Toomey, a fiscal Conservative,is a strong proponant for Israel.
Korn stated that Pennsylvania voters have a clear choice between someone who is an advocate for Israel and one who seems to embrace Muslim extremists. Recent polls have Toomey ahead of Sestak by 7 points,but political observers expect a close race.
This race doesn't affect me in any way at all, except to find it interesting. I want the Republican to win, of course, only because I want anyone but a Democrat to win this year. The very integrity of our way of life is at stake, and embracing Israel as we always have is only one of several reasons.
In a story in, on the 4th of July, we found out that Sestak is backed by I wonder if they are going to use the same people to falsify voter registration forms that they used in the '08 election to help get Obama elected...oh, I think most of them are still in jail, or on probation. Guess they will have to train others.Sestak's campaign also expected heavy voter support and financial backing from the Jewish community until a recent controversy came to light about Sestak's affiliation with C.A.I.R.,the Council on American-Islamic relations.
This week's edition of the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent has a large ad reminding voters that Sestak was the keynote speaker at a fundraising dinner for CAIR in 2007. 'Jewish American's for Sarah Palin', a group headed by Buddy Korn, a veteran activist for the Philadelphia Jewish community, and a former Editor-In-Chief for the Jewish Exponent, is running the ad. The ad states that Sestak was the keynote speaker at the fundraiser, despite substantial evidence that Cair has "ties to terrorism" according to Senator Charles Shumer, D-NY, in 2003. More than a dozen Cair officials have been either indicted or convicted on terror charges, including one who was active in 'Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group who carried out the attack last year on the Chabad Center in Mumbai, India. A rabbi and his wife were tortured and killed during the attack.
CAIR has been confirmed as a terrorist co-conspirator by the Justice Dept. Still, they are trying to keep alive a lawsuit against two investigators behind the expose' "Muslim Mafia: InsideThe Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America", which documents the D.C.-based group's founding and current activity as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas, the terrorist group of the Palestinians.
At a meeting in 2007, members of the local Jewish community pleaded with Sestak to withdraw as Keynote Speaker at the CAIR event, but he refused.
The ad also points out that Sestak refused to sign a Pro-Israeli letter that had been signed by 329 members of Congress last year, urging Obama to work closely with Israel , so as to advance peace. Sestak again refused an opportunity to sign another pro-Israel congressional letter this past March affirming that the U.S. and Israel are "close allies".
However, Sestak did sign a January letter, blasting Israel for using "collective punishment" against the Palestinians in Gaza, which sought to pressure Israel to to ease blockades against Hamas, which is still bombing Israel almost daily. "This is not a case of one isolated incident, or remark," according to Korn. "Joe Sestak has a record of embracing Muslim extremists and giving Israel the back of his hand. He would be the anti-Israel Senator that Washington has ever seen."Complicating matters more for Sestak, his Republican opponent, Pat Toomey, a fiscal Conservative,is a strong proponant for Israel.
Korn stated that Pennsylvania voters have a clear choice between someone who is an advocate for Israel and one who seems to embrace Muslim extremists. Recent polls have Toomey ahead of Sestak by 7 points,but political observers expect a close race.
This race doesn't affect me in any way at all, except to find it interesting. I want the Republican to win, of course, only because I want anyone but a Democrat to win this year. The very integrity of our way of life is at stake, and embracing Israel as we always have is only one of several reasons.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Laws, not men
The mess in and about Arizona and their new law giving law enforcement the ability to ask someone to prove that they are here legally has created such a firestorm of controversy, it begs to have another chip in, don't you think? John Adams said "a government of laws, not of men", when describing this new Country and the Constitution they were creating. Laws, not men, no matter the color of their skin! All of the hokey , generated protesting and everything that goes with it only continues the call to look at these Democrats, or, if illegal, future Democrats, and see them for what they are...people led by the nose to perform on cue! And lets get Al Sharptan and Jesse Jackson to show up, of course, yelling and screaming about 'profiling', and I would bet even money that neither of them has read the bill. It's only 16 pages long, not too much of a challenge.How spontaneous, with all of the professionally made signs and such. Yeah, 5,000 folks just quietly showed up at the same corner, signs in hand, given out at the meeting place. Spontaneity, what a concept!
It is a Federal law that, if here on a visa, you must carry your 'green card' everywhere you go, whether to the corner drugstore, or the other side of the country. And, if, for any reason, within the constraints of the law, you are asked to produce that form of identification, you produce it. Right? Most people here on a visa are happy to be here, and follow the rules. The law. But if you are here illegally, well, police officers ought to have the right to ask for proof that you AREN'T here illegally. And actually, they do--President Clinton signed a law allowing just that very thing, and it applies to any law enforcement officer, not just Federal. However, if the Federal laws aren't being enforced, as they aren't, well, then it falls to the State and Locals to enforce the law. Arizona is desperate-not very long ago they were the 'kidnap' capital of the world! They still might be, but I do know that they have the title in this Country. Between the Mexican drug cartels and MS13, the bloodthirsty gang from Colombia, American citizens of Mexican decent were, being snatched off the street at a rate of more than three a day. A DAY! And it wasn't very long ago, either. There was a 325% increase in kidnappings from 2005 until 2008, the last year that such info is available. That's insane! And the ransom demanded was always high, usually higher than the family could raise, because there was no plan, and they were kidnapping regular, middle-class men,not rich men, as one would expect. They were kidnappings of convenience, not planning. Also, besides all of that, there has been a constant flow of illegals, most staying in Arizona, taxing the abilities of the school systems and the hospitals almost to the breaking point. In Bisbee, AZ, right across the border from Naco, Mexico, the owner expects to have to close in three years because of unpaid medical bills of illegals coming across, being smuggled across, or being transferred from Naco, which has no hospital. And although the numbers of people seeking medical treatment has risen every year, not once has an illegal immigrant paid one dollar on his or her bill. Ever. Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital in Tucson, lost $500,000 last year; Tucson Medical Center closed their trauma center because of uncompensated care; and University Medical Center in Tucson loses close to $1 million a month in unpaid care. How long can any of these hospitals continue to eat such extreme amounts of money in loses and continue to operate? The schools are also having to teach larger and larger numbers of students with little or no increase in budget, forcing more and more cuts to everything. And that is just Arizona, and doesn't count Texas, or California, whose loses are far larger. And Florida is another state with struggling hospitals because of uncompensated care of illegals, and, in their case, elderly.
Arizona was desperate, and the Feds weren't even talking to them, or even trying to help pay for any of the loses. Maybe some banks are "too big to fail", but maybe some hospitals are "too important to fail". Unfortunately for them, the U.S. government is broke now, so they are on their own, I guess.
Back to the original reason for this blog entry... showing that you have the right to be here isn't any different than me, or anyone else, showing their driver's license and insurance papers if asked by a policeman. If I don't co-operate, I go to jail, and cops don't seem to have a sense of humor about the whole thing, either. Why do you insist on hammering about it being 'racial profiling', and illegal discrimination. Hogwash! READ THE BILL!! If you had, you would have seen that profiling is not allowed at all. Besides, we aren't too worried about Swedes, or Russians coming in illegally. By and large, they are Mexicans. And another thing--Jihadists can be made to look like Mexicans, or Central Americans who could be coming with no good intentions, either.
What it boils down to is that the Federal government isn't doing what it's supposed to do--enforce the law! There are all kinds of excuses, none of which matter. Enforce the law! Hire as many Border Patrol Agents as needed, build the fence,(which is the cheapest of the options, by the way), or put crossing junctions at all of the places that most illegals are using. Whatever it takes.Yes, we need the workers, but maybe some of the unemployed millions might be interested in some of those jobs. And if not, well, put in some kind of temp. visa for seasonal workers, construction workers, whatever. Put into law some sort of visa granting people the right to work for citizenship, as long as they pay a fine, get real S.S. cards in their name, learn English, and go to the back of the line of people doing everything the right, legal way. But knock of all of this 'racism' garbage, because it does not apply to this law. Period.
It is a Federal law that, if here on a visa, you must carry your 'green card' everywhere you go, whether to the corner drugstore, or the other side of the country. And, if, for any reason, within the constraints of the law, you are asked to produce that form of identification, you produce it. Right? Most people here on a visa are happy to be here, and follow the rules. The law. But if you are here illegally, well, police officers ought to have the right to ask for proof that you AREN'T here illegally. And actually, they do--President Clinton signed a law allowing just that very thing, and it applies to any law enforcement officer, not just Federal. However, if the Federal laws aren't being enforced, as they aren't, well, then it falls to the State and Locals to enforce the law. Arizona is desperate-not very long ago they were the 'kidnap' capital of the world! They still might be, but I do know that they have the title in this Country. Between the Mexican drug cartels and MS13, the bloodthirsty gang from Colombia, American citizens of Mexican decent were, being snatched off the street at a rate of more than three a day. A DAY! And it wasn't very long ago, either. There was a 325% increase in kidnappings from 2005 until 2008, the last year that such info is available. That's insane! And the ransom demanded was always high, usually higher than the family could raise, because there was no plan, and they were kidnapping regular, middle-class men,not rich men, as one would expect. They were kidnappings of convenience, not planning. Also, besides all of that, there has been a constant flow of illegals, most staying in Arizona, taxing the abilities of the school systems and the hospitals almost to the breaking point. In Bisbee, AZ, right across the border from Naco, Mexico, the owner expects to have to close in three years because of unpaid medical bills of illegals coming across, being smuggled across, or being transferred from Naco, which has no hospital. And although the numbers of people seeking medical treatment has risen every year, not once has an illegal immigrant paid one dollar on his or her bill. Ever. Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital in Tucson, lost $500,000 last year; Tucson Medical Center closed their trauma center because of uncompensated care; and University Medical Center in Tucson loses close to $1 million a month in unpaid care. How long can any of these hospitals continue to eat such extreme amounts of money in loses and continue to operate? The schools are also having to teach larger and larger numbers of students with little or no increase in budget, forcing more and more cuts to everything. And that is just Arizona, and doesn't count Texas, or California, whose loses are far larger. And Florida is another state with struggling hospitals because of uncompensated care of illegals, and, in their case, elderly.
Arizona was desperate, and the Feds weren't even talking to them, or even trying to help pay for any of the loses. Maybe some banks are "too big to fail", but maybe some hospitals are "too important to fail". Unfortunately for them, the U.S. government is broke now, so they are on their own, I guess.
Back to the original reason for this blog entry... showing that you have the right to be here isn't any different than me, or anyone else, showing their driver's license and insurance papers if asked by a policeman. If I don't co-operate, I go to jail, and cops don't seem to have a sense of humor about the whole thing, either. Why do you insist on hammering about it being 'racial profiling', and illegal discrimination. Hogwash! READ THE BILL!! If you had, you would have seen that profiling is not allowed at all. Besides, we aren't too worried about Swedes, or Russians coming in illegally. By and large, they are Mexicans. And another thing--Jihadists can be made to look like Mexicans, or Central Americans who could be coming with no good intentions, either.
What it boils down to is that the Federal government isn't doing what it's supposed to do--enforce the law! There are all kinds of excuses, none of which matter. Enforce the law! Hire as many Border Patrol Agents as needed, build the fence,(which is the cheapest of the options, by the way), or put crossing junctions at all of the places that most illegals are using. Whatever it takes.Yes, we need the workers, but maybe some of the unemployed millions might be interested in some of those jobs. And if not, well, put in some kind of temp. visa for seasonal workers, construction workers, whatever. Put into law some sort of visa granting people the right to work for citizenship, as long as they pay a fine, get real S.S. cards in their name, learn English, and go to the back of the line of people doing everything the right, legal way. But knock of all of this 'racism' garbage, because it does not apply to this law. Period.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I have rarely been accused of being 'silent', but there is such a move on to silence certain groups, or people, I feel like I must respond. It seems that lately, anyone who criticizes our government in any way is accused of being racist, or worse if there is such a thing in our society anymore. The group that is mostly getting this name in blogs and on a few TV shows, is, of course, the tea parties. People on the Left are continuously trying to paint us as racist, violent gun freaks who are just about to erupt into violence at any point in time. None of which is true. The Founders not only made sure that freedom of speech was the First Amendment to the Constitution, they also encouraged the public to speak out against the government if they thought that what the government was doing was wrong. They believed that that was the most important use of the freedom of speech. Ben Franklin said
No such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech. Our government is supposed to ensure our Liberty, and when they start to forget that, we must remind them that they work for us, period! But we now have a new health care system, consisting of 17 pages of new agencies, new government agencies to take control of our medical care in this country despite the fact that the American public overwhelmingly did not want this bill passed. Yes, the tea party folks will speak out, and speak up as this Administration seeks to fundamentally change us into a European form of government. It is our responsibility to speak up. But when we do, the dinosaur media tries to paint us as radicals, as far to the right as is possible, when nothing could be farther from the truth. The tea parties consist of all sorts of folks, Republican and Democrat, Black and white, rich, and not so rich, but all concerned about the direction this Country is taking with the Obama, Reid, Pelosi Administration in charge. We are, and will be, trying to change the equation in the November elections. Not once has any evidence be presented that a violent act was undertaken by a tea party participant, yet that same dinosaur media is totally silent when speaking about the mobs and rioters that have plagued the Capital in Arizona for the last week. They throw bottles at the police, break windows, and yet it's all explained away by saying that they are angry, they are mad, not a word about 'violent' or being mobs. And where is Bill Clinton, after his speech about "words leading to violence" and linking the tea party movement to Tim McVeigh. Not a peep out of him about the words leading to violence in Arizona. Cowardice, that's what it is, and an inability to see the same behavior that they accuse the right of as coming from their own left of left wing support groups.
Our Founders believed in the power of the individual, and those who are Conservative also believe in the individual. We know that as individuals endowed by our Creator with certain rights, we are also responsible for our actions, and as such, we are more careful of others' rights. The Progressives and extreme left of the Democratic party have created a Party of groups, not individuals. Whether it's the Pinks, or the Greenies, or African-Americans, or college students, everything is geared toward group identity, not individual identity. And as a group, it's much easier to devolve into group mentality. After that, it's also easier to get the group riled up, angry, and violent.
It's now clear that the dinosaur media is a lost cause--they will never go back to being objective reporters of the news. It will always spin to the left. But I guess that's o.k. with the 46 people who still watch or read anything from this media anyway. And the rest of us will get by, don't worry.
Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such thing as Wisdom; and no such thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of Speech.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, The New England Courant, Jul. 9, 1792
No such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech. Our government is supposed to ensure our Liberty, and when they start to forget that, we must remind them that they work for us, period! But we now have a new health care system, consisting of 17 pages of new agencies, new government agencies to take control of our medical care in this country despite the fact that the American public overwhelmingly did not want this bill passed. Yes, the tea party folks will speak out, and speak up as this Administration seeks to fundamentally change us into a European form of government. It is our responsibility to speak up. But when we do, the dinosaur media tries to paint us as radicals, as far to the right as is possible, when nothing could be farther from the truth. The tea parties consist of all sorts of folks, Republican and Democrat, Black and white, rich, and not so rich, but all concerned about the direction this Country is taking with the Obama, Reid, Pelosi Administration in charge. We are, and will be, trying to change the equation in the November elections. Not once has any evidence be presented that a violent act was undertaken by a tea party participant, yet that same dinosaur media is totally silent when speaking about the mobs and rioters that have plagued the Capital in Arizona for the last week. They throw bottles at the police, break windows, and yet it's all explained away by saying that they are angry, they are mad, not a word about 'violent' or being mobs. And where is Bill Clinton, after his speech about "words leading to violence" and linking the tea party movement to Tim McVeigh. Not a peep out of him about the words leading to violence in Arizona. Cowardice, that's what it is, and an inability to see the same behavior that they accuse the right of as coming from their own left of left wing support groups.
Our Founders believed in the power of the individual, and those who are Conservative also believe in the individual. We know that as individuals endowed by our Creator with certain rights, we are also responsible for our actions, and as such, we are more careful of others' rights. The Progressives and extreme left of the Democratic party have created a Party of groups, not individuals. Whether it's the Pinks, or the Greenies, or African-Americans, or college students, everything is geared toward group identity, not individual identity. And as a group, it's much easier to devolve into group mentality. After that, it's also easier to get the group riled up, angry, and violent.
It's now clear that the dinosaur media is a lost cause--they will never go back to being objective reporters of the news. It will always spin to the left. But I guess that's o.k. with the 46 people who still watch or read anything from this media anyway. And the rest of us will get by, don't worry.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Business Crazies
Man, oh, man. I have to say, first, in the face of full disclosure, that I have no dog in the race, as they say, when it comes to talking about the costs of health care, since the state pays for most of mine. I am fully disabled and get a very small check from SSI. But that in no way means that I don't, or can't, have an opinion when it comes to something that encompasses a sixth of our GDP. And that will fundamentally change the very nature of health care, and the relationships we have with our doctors. I really like my doctor, even though I have to drive a long ways to see him. While he has assured me that he will not change the way he operates no matter what they do, I have some belief that he may not have any choice. And although we will have four years before anything actually occurs, I am still young enough that I hope to be around for about thirty years or more, and that will be quite a few years after this takes place. Actually though, the four years before anyone sees one benefit, well, that doesn't include the taxes that will go up--that will happen right away. How does that grab you? How about you go to buy a new car, and they tell you that the payments will start immediately, but you can't actually have the car for four years. Would you go for that? I doubt it, and this bill is just as foolish. And those of you in the middle class, those who weren't supposed to see any increase in taxes? Just you will see more money taken out of your checks because there is no other way to really finance this bill. Our children and grand children cannot possibly pay off the debt we are leaving them, and we must get the deficit down as much as we can now, not to mention the fact that the Senate and the House both just passed the 'pay-go' law, saying that they cannot create any new programs, or pass any laws, unless they are payed for. I don't expect that one to last long, but they will have to come up with the money to pay for this new health care regardless, and the methods they are including in the bill are not going to be sufficient. The folks making over $250,000 a year, who are supposedly going to pay for the tax hike are, in most cases, small business owners who just happen to do their business taxes with their personal taxes, and that will absolutely kill any big jump in job creation, since small businesses are most of the employers of other people. And the ultra-rich? Those who don't actually have to work anymore? What's to prevent them from just leaving to live somewhere else, maybe buy an island and stay there? They will eventually get tired of shouldering the burden of all of us who don't actually pay any income tax, as they do now. And those of us who still believe in personal responsibility and personal freedom would certainly not blame them for doing so.
On top of all of that, President Obama is trying to demonize the insurance companies, who make some of the smallest profit margins of any type of big corporation in this country, usually about 3%-4%. That's 3 cents on the dollar, folks, nothing to brag about. And Medicare, by far, denies more claims than ANY of the insurance companies do. And please, tell me of one government program that is in the black most of, or even part of, the time. Medicare will be broke very soon, and Medicaid in most of the states operates in the red at least most of the time. Amtrak is broke, the Post Office is millions in the red. I can't think of a single government program that makes money...not one! Yet some people seem to be willing and even anxious to have the government take over their health care. Talk about Russian Roulette!!
On top of all of that, President Obama is trying to demonize the insurance companies, who make some of the smallest profit margins of any type of big corporation in this country, usually about 3%-4%. That's 3 cents on the dollar, folks, nothing to brag about. And Medicare, by far, denies more claims than ANY of the insurance companies do. And please, tell me of one government program that is in the black most of, or even part of, the time. Medicare will be broke very soon, and Medicaid in most of the states operates in the red at least most of the time. Amtrak is broke, the Post Office is millions in the red. I can't think of a single government program that makes money...not one! Yet some people seem to be willing and even anxious to have the government take over their health care. Talk about Russian Roulette!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Oh my, long time!
Well, my goodness, it's been a long time since I was here, and so much has happened, or is going on; I'm talking personally, and politically. I have been opening a store on, which is a website for crafters to sell their handmade items, and I had no real idea of how much work was involved! After I retook the pictures to get them clear, I started trying to figure out how to put them on the site. It was far easier than it looked, just time consuming.And very tiring, at that.But it's up and running, and I even made my first sale! YEA!! I also am trying to start an outside business making pendants with the pictures of people's pet on them. I have my business cards now, and some rack cards that I hope to get around to all of the pet stores in Springfield, and then to also hit the dog and cat shows in town this summer. All in all, quite a schedule of activities that I've set for myself this year.
Then, of course, we have all of the ridiculous goings on in Washington. D.C. Oh, where to start...Government Health Care; amd don't fool yourself, it is government run health care. The Progressives in D.C. want us to have the same type of health care that they have in France, or England, both of which are imploding under their own weight. France and England are trying to figure out how to switch over to health care more like ours, while Obama tries to take us to Socialized medicine. Actually, almost all of the countries with government run health care is trying to have it become more like ours, as it is now. The Prime Minister of Australia has told his people that he expects it to take around five years for their medical care to become more like that of America. I hope they hurry, as I have a dear friend there who has a form of lymphoma, and she can only get the MRI's needed to gauge the progress of the lymphoma once every year. And her medicine is strictly rationed. Also she has had more than one friend die from breast cancer, even when it was caught early, because the places to get chemo and radiation are so far apart, and the appointments take months to get. Now, I don't know about you, but I am old enough to really be concerned about rationed care, and whether or not some of us would be denied vital care if it were determined that we were a risk for continuing care needs, or that we were too olod to be of use to society any more. Oh, I're going to say that none of that would happen, but if you read and listened to the words of some of Obama's advisers, you would see things differently, trust me. More about them later. But the trend to demonize the insurance companies for health care increases is ludicrous. The profit margin for insurers averages 3%-4%, that's all. Almost every other business has larger margins than that, at least among large corporations. Are there some people making huge bonuses? Yes. Are they all? No. Most of the folks involved in the insurance industry are hard-working, good people, just rying to get by like the rest of us. Maybe the CEOs and the board members make exorbitant salaries, and the top sales people get decent bonuses, but there are a lot of unemployed insurance people, too. Besides, when did it become so awful to do what you love, or what you're good at, and make a lot of money doing that? Isn't that the Great American Dream? To make a lot of money doing what you love, buy a home, work hard and live a good life? I know that I want to make a bunch of money, but if it doesn't happen, I'm still going to be happy, and also be happy for those who do make it in this difficult world. I don't resent rich people, and I don't want to take what they have, whether things, or money. But that seems to be what the government wants to do now, and if they can't tax the rich into poverty, well, then they just demonize them so that society will turn against them. What kind of people do we have in D.C.? Maybe it IS time that they all go home. Next November seems to be shaping up to be very interesting.
Well, I seem to be all over the place tonight, so I'll close this, get some notes together, and be more selective next time. See you then.
Then, of course, we have all of the ridiculous goings on in Washington. D.C. Oh, where to start...Government Health Care; amd don't fool yourself, it is government run health care. The Progressives in D.C. want us to have the same type of health care that they have in France, or England, both of which are imploding under their own weight. France and England are trying to figure out how to switch over to health care more like ours, while Obama tries to take us to Socialized medicine. Actually, almost all of the countries with government run health care is trying to have it become more like ours, as it is now. The Prime Minister of Australia has told his people that he expects it to take around five years for their medical care to become more like that of America. I hope they hurry, as I have a dear friend there who has a form of lymphoma, and she can only get the MRI's needed to gauge the progress of the lymphoma once every year. And her medicine is strictly rationed. Also she has had more than one friend die from breast cancer, even when it was caught early, because the places to get chemo and radiation are so far apart, and the appointments take months to get. Now, I don't know about you, but I am old enough to really be concerned about rationed care, and whether or not some of us would be denied vital care if it were determined that we were a risk for continuing care needs, or that we were too olod to be of use to society any more. Oh, I're going to say that none of that would happen, but if you read and listened to the words of some of Obama's advisers, you would see things differently, trust me. More about them later. But the trend to demonize the insurance companies for health care increases is ludicrous. The profit margin for insurers averages 3%-4%, that's all. Almost every other business has larger margins than that, at least among large corporations. Are there some people making huge bonuses? Yes. Are they all? No. Most of the folks involved in the insurance industry are hard-working, good people, just rying to get by like the rest of us. Maybe the CEOs and the board members make exorbitant salaries, and the top sales people get decent bonuses, but there are a lot of unemployed insurance people, too. Besides, when did it become so awful to do what you love, or what you're good at, and make a lot of money doing that? Isn't that the Great American Dream? To make a lot of money doing what you love, buy a home, work hard and live a good life? I know that I want to make a bunch of money, but if it doesn't happen, I'm still going to be happy, and also be happy for those who do make it in this difficult world. I don't resent rich people, and I don't want to take what they have, whether things, or money. But that seems to be what the government wants to do now, and if they can't tax the rich into poverty, well, then they just demonize them so that society will turn against them. What kind of people do we have in D.C.? Maybe it IS time that they all go home. Next November seems to be shaping up to be very interesting.
Well, I seem to be all over the place tonight, so I'll close this, get some notes together, and be more selective next time. See you then.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Who Knew???
I'm sure my friend knew...the one who has already done it, but this is WORK!! What am I talking about? I am trying to set up a store on Etsy, which is an on-line store of all handmade or vintage items. I use several types of techniques to make jewelry and other items, and I thought I would try selling a few of them. I didn't realize how much work it took to do just that. I have retaken photos more than once, found a photo-editing program that I could actually use to re-size those photos, figured out how to list them by giving a decent description, and gotten them uploaded to my store. It has taken me two days to get just eight of them actually in the store. But I am getting better. Sort of, I guess. I have so many new pictures to take tomorrow, and I sure do hope that the Sun comes out, at least for a little while. Oh, well, back to the mill...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sara Palin
Let me start by saying that I am no longer a big fan of Sara Palin. But this whole mess over the fact that she wrote a few words as prompts to remember things in her speech, is ridiculous! All of the dinosaur media ran with it, putting it on the front page of the papers, on the cover of the magazines, and to what end? Conservatives won't roast her, and the people in the Tea Party Movement will just find it endearing. It makes her one of the regular folks even more than before, because who of us didn't write something on our palm that we needed to remember? And comparing it to Obama's use of the Tele-Prompter is insane...she had four or five words, not the entire speech, as he does. Maybe she isn't all that polished, but that also helps her. My suggestion to the Progressives is to lay off, or you will continue to make her look good to most of the people in the country. But luckily, I know that you are incapable of leaving her alone, just because she's a strong, independant Conservative, and proud of it, and you can't understand her at all. Therefore, you have to attack her--you who are so tolerant, and inclusive.
I used to be a big fan of Sara's, but that changed somewhat when she again started campaining for John McCain. I consider McCain to be a R.I.N.O.--Republican In Name Only, for those of you who don't know that. He is far too willing to compromise and cross the aisle to the Dem.'s side, and some of the things that he has been a major sponsor of have done far more harm to the cause of Conservatism than a lot of Democrats themselves. I commend his never taking earmarks, and I thank and honor him for his service to this country. But I would very much like to see him replaced when next he is up for re-election in November. Probably won't happen. could happen. Anyway, when Sara started working to get him re-elected, I lost some of the respect that I had for her. I still think she is an important piece of the Tea Party Movement, but that is about the extent of her influence on me.
Happy Wednesday! See you later.
I used to be a big fan of Sara's, but that changed somewhat when she again started campaining for John McCain. I consider McCain to be a R.I.N.O.--Republican In Name Only, for those of you who don't know that. He is far too willing to compromise and cross the aisle to the Dem.'s side, and some of the things that he has been a major sponsor of have done far more harm to the cause of Conservatism than a lot of Democrats themselves. I commend his never taking earmarks, and I thank and honor him for his service to this country. But I would very much like to see him replaced when next he is up for re-election in November. Probably won't happen. could happen. Anyway, when Sara started working to get him re-elected, I lost some of the respect that I had for her. I still think she is an important piece of the Tea Party Movement, but that is about the extent of her influence on me.
Happy Wednesday! See you later.
Hi There. I know that I said that I was finished with the Fair Tax, but a good friend pointed out some things that either weren't very clear, or were mistaken, or so she thinks. So, I have the second book, Titled "Fair Tax: the Truth", and as soon as I can get the time to look up and find all of my goofs, I will correct, or try to make plain, the questions that she, and probably others, had. Meantime, I'll get something for you to read.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Fair Tax Part 3
I know that it's been about a week since I wrote the last entry, and I mean to do better, but well, my life interfers sometimes.
I want to go back a little bit, and talk some more about the 'prebates' that every registered household will get. I previously said that these would be issued up to the Fed. Poverty Levels. What that means, is that if you are the Head of the Household, and you are the only member of that household, you would get a check, up to the amount of taxes you would be expected to spend on the essentials of living, for the first $10, 830 of your income. It would be the same amount if you made less, but it would also be the same if you made more. If you are a family of 4, you would get a check up to the amount of taxes up to $22,050. Now, I don't presume to know how much would be alloted for each person as far as the prebate goes, but that would be decided by a group of people all trusted to make that decision. And, like I said before, if you bought anything used, there will be no tax added to it, except for state and local. But I, and all of us that believe in this tax, also believe that the states, and even the local munincipalities would adopt this system of taxing as soon as they saw how well it worked, and it WILL work. All of the tax collected from purchases, whether groceries, gas, or gold watches, will be a visible tax, just like state and local taxes are now--it will be right on the reciept, where you can see it every time. Now, the taxes that you are mostly paying are invisible, or buried in the price. And we have one of the highest costs of doing business in the world. The Fair Tax would amount to 22%-23%, but you are now paying at least 20% in hidden taxes, and those would all go away. If you are a business owner, or a farmer, the costs of items that you purchase for that business or farm will not be taxed. For the rest of us, I sure would never have the income, or the credit to buy a new house anyway, but it might make a big difference if I knew that any previously owned house would have no tax added. How long do you think the Real Estate market would be suffering, if everyone even remotely considering the purchase of a house suddenly knew that the federal tax was completely gone? I tend to think that a lot of those companies showing homes might have to do some of their own hiring.
Speaking of hiring, since any number of American companies have moved their Headquarters off shore, or to another country, not because of labor costs, but because of the crippling tax base, and how that, in itself, will not allow them to hire the workers they need, how long do you think it would take them to beat a trail back home? And since the Fair Tax would make us the most corporation friendly nation on the planet, and since no place is farther away than a day or so, the studies done by the Rand Corporation showed that overseas corporations would build their headquarters in the U.S.A. just as fast as they could find land, and start hiring. That's why I said that a person would have to hide not to have a good job, even the K Street lawyers and lobbiests. And the former IRS agents would probably have all of the Accounting jobs that they could ever want, because someone would still have to do the collecting of the Fair Tax from the corporations, and transmitting those remmitances to the Federal Government, after all. LOL And that's all that tax people would do, too...transfer the Fair Tax from point 'A' to point 'B', and all the things inbetween, like compliance issues. But those compliance issues would not employ fourteen lawyers and 37 accountants, or whatever the mega-corporations are using now, just to make sure that they ARE in compliance. In 2007, the Exxon-Mobil Corp. paid $30 BILLION in taxes on their profit of $40.6 billion, and in 2006 they paid $28 billion on profits of $39.5 billion. These are the latest figures available. Now, you hear all the time about the $40 billion profits, but do you hear that $30 billion came OUT of that profit to pay taxes? Probably not, since the 'dinosaur media' never talks about that. I mean, how angry at the mega-corps would you be if you knew what they really made in profit after their taxes were taken out? And how long would you keep letting the Government milk you for more and more taxes, if you knew what the mega-corps were actually paying?
But where will the government get the money they need to keep us safe and perform the other functions ALLOWED to them by the Constitution? From discretionary spending. From the new cars that those able will still buy, and the new houses that new millionaires from the Power Ball will still buy, and the mink coats, gold watches, diamond rings, and Lear Jets that those able to will STILL buy, just because they can, and want to. And maybe a few small business owners, no longer taxed to the extent they are now, might become some of those millionaires. And here is another reason to pass the Fair Tax--illegal aliens working under the table, and drug dealers. No matter how you feel about drugs, I think everyone thinks that they should pay taxes equal to the rest of us, right? And do you think you would see a drug king pin driving a 10, or even a 2 year old Buick? They will buy their Cadillac, or BMW, and it will be new, thus paying the tax. Now, maybe that part is wishful thinking, but they will at least pay the taxes on the things that the rest of us do. And folks who rail against those things like Lear Jets, or private yachts,fail to consider all of the people employed by those companies. Do you think that magicians just pull the sheet off and they appear? Not hardly, and you can check the numbers of people laid off right now, because that discretionary spending is down so much. Full employment in America is normally 5%. How would it be if we really had full employment, at 1% or 2%? Sound good to all you unemployed folks? Sounds good to me.
I hope that I have answered some of your questions, or tossed out some of the misconceptions about the Fair Tax. A lot of politicians don't like it, even knowing that it would do amazing things for this Country, because it removes most of their power, the power to tax, at the point of a gun, in truth. But the one thing they would hate to lose more than that power, is their office, so call and write, e-mail, anything and everything, but get a hold of your Representatives, and Senators, and tell them to vote for the Fair Tax, and do it soon. Thank you, and good night. Totally different subject next time, I promise.
I want to go back a little bit, and talk some more about the 'prebates' that every registered household will get. I previously said that these would be issued up to the Fed. Poverty Levels. What that means, is that if you are the Head of the Household, and you are the only member of that household, you would get a check, up to the amount of taxes you would be expected to spend on the essentials of living, for the first $10, 830 of your income. It would be the same amount if you made less, but it would also be the same if you made more. If you are a family of 4, you would get a check up to the amount of taxes up to $22,050. Now, I don't presume to know how much would be alloted for each person as far as the prebate goes, but that would be decided by a group of people all trusted to make that decision. And, like I said before, if you bought anything used, there will be no tax added to it, except for state and local. But I, and all of us that believe in this tax, also believe that the states, and even the local munincipalities would adopt this system of taxing as soon as they saw how well it worked, and it WILL work. All of the tax collected from purchases, whether groceries, gas, or gold watches, will be a visible tax, just like state and local taxes are now--it will be right on the reciept, where you can see it every time. Now, the taxes that you are mostly paying are invisible, or buried in the price. And we have one of the highest costs of doing business in the world. The Fair Tax would amount to 22%-23%, but you are now paying at least 20% in hidden taxes, and those would all go away. If you are a business owner, or a farmer, the costs of items that you purchase for that business or farm will not be taxed. For the rest of us, I sure would never have the income, or the credit to buy a new house anyway, but it might make a big difference if I knew that any previously owned house would have no tax added. How long do you think the Real Estate market would be suffering, if everyone even remotely considering the purchase of a house suddenly knew that the federal tax was completely gone? I tend to think that a lot of those companies showing homes might have to do some of their own hiring.
Speaking of hiring, since any number of American companies have moved their Headquarters off shore, or to another country, not because of labor costs, but because of the crippling tax base, and how that, in itself, will not allow them to hire the workers they need, how long do you think it would take them to beat a trail back home? And since the Fair Tax would make us the most corporation friendly nation on the planet, and since no place is farther away than a day or so, the studies done by the Rand Corporation showed that overseas corporations would build their headquarters in the U.S.A. just as fast as they could find land, and start hiring. That's why I said that a person would have to hide not to have a good job, even the K Street lawyers and lobbiests. And the former IRS agents would probably have all of the Accounting jobs that they could ever want, because someone would still have to do the collecting of the Fair Tax from the corporations, and transmitting those remmitances to the Federal Government, after all. LOL And that's all that tax people would do, too...transfer the Fair Tax from point 'A' to point 'B', and all the things inbetween, like compliance issues. But those compliance issues would not employ fourteen lawyers and 37 accountants, or whatever the mega-corporations are using now, just to make sure that they ARE in compliance. In 2007, the Exxon-Mobil Corp. paid $30 BILLION in taxes on their profit of $40.6 billion, and in 2006 they paid $28 billion on profits of $39.5 billion. These are the latest figures available. Now, you hear all the time about the $40 billion profits, but do you hear that $30 billion came OUT of that profit to pay taxes? Probably not, since the 'dinosaur media' never talks about that. I mean, how angry at the mega-corps would you be if you knew what they really made in profit after their taxes were taken out? And how long would you keep letting the Government milk you for more and more taxes, if you knew what the mega-corps were actually paying?
But where will the government get the money they need to keep us safe and perform the other functions ALLOWED to them by the Constitution? From discretionary spending. From the new cars that those able will still buy, and the new houses that new millionaires from the Power Ball will still buy, and the mink coats, gold watches, diamond rings, and Lear Jets that those able to will STILL buy, just because they can, and want to. And maybe a few small business owners, no longer taxed to the extent they are now, might become some of those millionaires. And here is another reason to pass the Fair Tax--illegal aliens working under the table, and drug dealers. No matter how you feel about drugs, I think everyone thinks that they should pay taxes equal to the rest of us, right? And do you think you would see a drug king pin driving a 10, or even a 2 year old Buick? They will buy their Cadillac, or BMW, and it will be new, thus paying the tax. Now, maybe that part is wishful thinking, but they will at least pay the taxes on the things that the rest of us do. And folks who rail against those things like Lear Jets, or private yachts,fail to consider all of the people employed by those companies. Do you think that magicians just pull the sheet off and they appear? Not hardly, and you can check the numbers of people laid off right now, because that discretionary spending is down so much. Full employment in America is normally 5%. How would it be if we really had full employment, at 1% or 2%? Sound good to all you unemployed folks? Sounds good to me.
I hope that I have answered some of your questions, or tossed out some of the misconceptions about the Fair Tax. A lot of politicians don't like it, even knowing that it would do amazing things for this Country, because it removes most of their power, the power to tax, at the point of a gun, in truth. But the one thing they would hate to lose more than that power, is their office, so call and write, e-mail, anything and everything, but get a hold of your Representatives, and Senators, and tell them to vote for the Fair Tax, and do it soon. Thank you, and good night. Totally different subject next time, I promise.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Fair Tax, part 2
Good Evening folks. Back to business...I was discussing the Fair Tax, About the IRS...they are in the process of hiring another 2,000 Investigators. Do you really expect them to just sit around the office? No, Obama wants the IRS to go after everyone possible, so I hope there are absolutely no questions about your tax filing this year, because they are going to come after everyone they can. Not just the "Fat Cats" or the mega-corporations, but everyone possible. Let's face it--Obama is going to have to pay the interest at least on all of the money that other countries and wealthy investors have loaned us. The last figure I saw was that the interest was currently 65 billion a year!! A year! If the Fair Tax were to be passed, and the IRS were to go away, would you really mind all that much? Please. And the K Street lawyers will also be looking for a job, or at least a bunch of them will. A few might be good enough consultants to stay employed by a Congressperson. But trust me when I say that they wouldn't be out of work for long, since so many new companies would be moving here form other countries, and they will more than likely be hiring several lawyers each. Just the way it works. Again, the Fair Tax will remove all Federal income taxes, including the payroll tax, which everone with a job pays, even if they end up paying no income tax, because they get it all back.All self-employment tax, corporate taxes, personal taxes,gift,estate, capital gains tax, & alternative minimum tax. You would keep 100% of your paycheck, except any state income tax, which is usually pretty low, unless you live in New York, California, and the other places that have outrageous state taxes on everything.By ending corporate taxes and compliance costs, which are buried in the price, that price will almost immediately drop because of competition, which has driven the economy of this, the greatest Nation, since our inception. The Fair Tax fully funds the federal government, and fulfills the promise of Social Security and Medicare.
Since the Fair Tax doesn't penelize the poor, every registered household, regardless of income, will get a "prebate" check, every month up to the federal poverty level. This, along with several other features, is how the Fair Tax can be progressive. However, this depends on lifestyle and spending choices. Instead of punishing people, taxpayers, who are successful, it would make life so much freer for all incomes. Retail prices would no longer hide the taxes and cost of doing business, and because of the aforementioned competition, those prices would drop almost immediately. If you were getting the prebate check, based on the size of your family up to the poverty line, and prices dropped maybe 20%, how much easier would life be? With the recession, and the loss of jobs and homes, the Fair Tax would rescue many, and with the influx of corporations, jobs would be plentiful once again. Heck, as Neal Boortz has been known to say, "You would have to hide to not have a good job".
On that thought, I'll end this for tonight, and finish up in the next entry. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Bye, for now.
Since the Fair Tax doesn't penelize the poor, every registered household, regardless of income, will get a "prebate" check, every month up to the federal poverty level. This, along with several other features, is how the Fair Tax can be progressive. However, this depends on lifestyle and spending choices. Instead of punishing people, taxpayers, who are successful, it would make life so much freer for all incomes. Retail prices would no longer hide the taxes and cost of doing business, and because of the aforementioned competition, those prices would drop almost immediately. If you were getting the prebate check, based on the size of your family up to the poverty line, and prices dropped maybe 20%, how much easier would life be? With the recession, and the loss of jobs and homes, the Fair Tax would rescue many, and with the influx of corporations, jobs would be plentiful once again. Heck, as Neal Boortz has been known to say, "You would have to hide to not have a good job".
On that thought, I'll end this for tonight, and finish up in the next entry. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Bye, for now.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Truth About the Fair Tax
Goo--ooo-d Morning, People! Oh, I looked at the subject and said "BORRRRING!!! But trust me, it isn't if you are currently paying those taxes. And there is so much bad and wrong information being put out there by the Progressives and Liberals, that everyone who knows the truth about this proposal MUST keep trying to get it understood and passed. The people in D.C. are stealing the future of our children and grandchildren. Our Country cannot maintain a $12 + TRILLION dollar deficit. So, what are the people in D.C. doing? They are RAISING the debt ceiling so that they can borrow and spend more. They are doing exactly what we fought the British and the King for-taxation without representation, because the vast majority of Americans are NOT being represented! Not at all. And if you actually are among those who pay taxes, and I'm not talking about the FICA deduction, because Social Security deserves, and requires, a whole entry of it's own. I mean taxes that you don't get back, both Federal and State. And not the 'earned income' that is 'earned' only by having children, either, because you didn't pay that money into the system, and it's money that rightfully belongs in someone else's pocket! Now, I know that that statement is enough to get me onto the Progressive's Hit List, but it had to be said before we can discuss what the system does now, and what it can do if the Fair Tax is passed.
Now, the Fair Tax is a 'Consumption' Tax. That means that a person would pay the tax at the time of purchase. This tax would first of all, be "Budget Neutral", meaning that it would keep the Federal Government functioning at whatever level they need to be functioning. It would pay for our War On Terror, which is the proper term, not a 'person initiated disruption', or whatever it was that our people in D.C have decided to call it. It would pay for Infrastructure, and all of the services that are provided by the Federal Departments. Although there are several new ones that need to go away, that is yet ANOTHER column. LOL Back to the subject at hand. Because no one believes that a person or a family should pay taxes on the things that are essential for living, such as food, or utilities, or an adequate amount of clothes, or school supplies for the kids,(folks over the age of 18 would have to pay for their own books and supplies), the Fair Tax would send each person, or family if that's what you are, the amount of money that you would be expected to pay in tax for those things, up to the Federal Poverty Level, which seems to climb every year. That money would be deposited in your bank account the first of every month. For everyone who met the guidelines, every month. And, if you didn't spend that much on the taxes, well, BINGO!! Extra Money!! Yea! And the tax would only apply to new items; nothing used would be taxed at the Federal level. Nothing. Not a used leather coat, or a used motorcycle to wear it with. Not a used car, except if it only has the few miles put on it in the process of getting it from the ship to the train, to the dealer, and how many miles are added if the car is driven for test drives. If the car is sold, and the new owner decides that they don't really like it, well, then it's used, even if it has less than a hundred miles on it. Now, I must insert here that the fully operational aspect of this tax depends on the individual States passing the Fair Tax, also, which I believe would happen as soon as they saw how well it worked. Or as soon as the people demanded it. Back to what the Fair Tax WOULD do--the best thing, in my opinion, is that it would repeal the 16th Amendment, and it would totally abolish the IRS! That single aspect should be enoough to get it passed, but because of that single aspect, the IRS and all of the K Street lawyers are fighting this bill with everything they have to throw at it, mostly misinformation to Congressmen and Congresswomen. Or Congresspeople, or whatever the politically correct term is at this point in time.Luckily, there is a grassroots movement going on in this Country, and more and more folks are learning the truth about the Fair Tax as they attend The Tea Party gatherings. Yes, the Tea Party, or even the teabaggers, as the loser-wing media is prone to call us. I call them the Dinosaur Media, because they are almost exstinct! I don't even remember who first coined that term, but I still like it. Anyway...
People, we are already paying taxes, at a rate of about 22-23%, built in to everything we buy. All of the producers, whether those of a field of soybeans, or of a new car, and everything else, pay taxes. But that cost is passed on to you!! At every step of the way that something comes to the stores and every other place that we purchase something, they add the price of their doing business, whatever that business might be. If they grow a crop of veggies, they add their costs; if they store those veggies, they add their cost. If they broker those veggies, they add the cost of doing business. EVERY step of the way to market. Then we pay our state and local taxes on top of it. Add it up, and you are paying a hidden tax of about 22-23%.
I think that is enough to digest for a day or two, so I'll continue this in the next blog entry. Thank you for reading my musings on politics. I'll soon do a blog on my artworks, of whatever kind I happen to be doing at the time.
Now, the Fair Tax is a 'Consumption' Tax. That means that a person would pay the tax at the time of purchase. This tax would first of all, be "Budget Neutral", meaning that it would keep the Federal Government functioning at whatever level they need to be functioning. It would pay for our War On Terror, which is the proper term, not a 'person initiated disruption', or whatever it was that our people in D.C have decided to call it. It would pay for Infrastructure, and all of the services that are provided by the Federal Departments. Although there are several new ones that need to go away, that is yet ANOTHER column. LOL Back to the subject at hand. Because no one believes that a person or a family should pay taxes on the things that are essential for living, such as food, or utilities, or an adequate amount of clothes, or school supplies for the kids,(folks over the age of 18 would have to pay for their own books and supplies), the Fair Tax would send each person, or family if that's what you are, the amount of money that you would be expected to pay in tax for those things, up to the Federal Poverty Level, which seems to climb every year. That money would be deposited in your bank account the first of every month. For everyone who met the guidelines, every month. And, if you didn't spend that much on the taxes, well, BINGO!! Extra Money!! Yea! And the tax would only apply to new items; nothing used would be taxed at the Federal level. Nothing. Not a used leather coat, or a used motorcycle to wear it with. Not a used car, except if it only has the few miles put on it in the process of getting it from the ship to the train, to the dealer, and how many miles are added if the car is driven for test drives. If the car is sold, and the new owner decides that they don't really like it, well, then it's used, even if it has less than a hundred miles on it. Now, I must insert here that the fully operational aspect of this tax depends on the individual States passing the Fair Tax, also, which I believe would happen as soon as they saw how well it worked. Or as soon as the people demanded it. Back to what the Fair Tax WOULD do--the best thing, in my opinion, is that it would repeal the 16th Amendment, and it would totally abolish the IRS! That single aspect should be enoough to get it passed, but because of that single aspect, the IRS and all of the K Street lawyers are fighting this bill with everything they have to throw at it, mostly misinformation to Congressmen and Congresswomen. Or Congresspeople, or whatever the politically correct term is at this point in time.Luckily, there is a grassroots movement going on in this Country, and more and more folks are learning the truth about the Fair Tax as they attend The Tea Party gatherings. Yes, the Tea Party, or even the teabaggers, as the loser-wing media is prone to call us. I call them the Dinosaur Media, because they are almost exstinct! I don't even remember who first coined that term, but I still like it. Anyway...
People, we are already paying taxes, at a rate of about 22-23%, built in to everything we buy. All of the producers, whether those of a field of soybeans, or of a new car, and everything else, pay taxes. But that cost is passed on to you!! At every step of the way that something comes to the stores and every other place that we purchase something, they add the price of their doing business, whatever that business might be. If they grow a crop of veggies, they add their costs; if they store those veggies, they add their cost. If they broker those veggies, they add the cost of doing business. EVERY step of the way to market. Then we pay our state and local taxes on top of it. Add it up, and you are paying a hidden tax of about 22-23%.
I think that is enough to digest for a day or two, so I'll continue this in the next blog entry. Thank you for reading my musings on politics. I'll soon do a blog on my artworks, of whatever kind I happen to be doing at the time.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
It's not ALL bad out there...
The Dems are getting more and more frightened that they might lose the seat held by Kennedy since 1962, and they should be. Martha Coakley has been a terrible candidate, mostly by refusing to even run a campaign until just recently, but also making ridiculously stupid comments like she did the other night during the only debate between all three candidates when she stated that there are no more terrorists in Afghanistan. Add in the fact that Republican Scott Brown has vowed to be the 41st vote to kill the healthcare bill, and that he's now taking in a million dollars a day for his campaign, and one can see why the Dems/Progressives are sweating buckets. They decided yesterday to bring in the big guns, and it was confirmed that Obama would be going to Massachusetts this weekend. The Obama camp said that he was not asked to appear until Friday, but the Coakley people said that they asked months ago. No matter, I don't believe that President Obama's appearance will make any difference. When Coakley said that she was running to fill "Kennedy's seat", and Brown countered that the seat didn't belong to Kennedy, or even to the Democrats, but that it "Belonged to the people of Massachusetts" he got it exactly right. And I believe that there are a very many people in Congress who will be given messages just like that come November. It's time that they all realized that they work for us, and we're taking our seats back!!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
What a mess!!
Oh, where to even start...I've been away from the computer, mostly, for too long, and too much in the news to discuss. But I said that the next entry would be about the Health Care bill, and so it will be, at least to start. In a last minute deal with Nebraska's Senator, Ben Nelson, Reid said that they would excuse Nebraska from having to pick up the extra Medicaid that will inevitably occur as millions more are added to the rolls. The deal is worth an estimated $100,000,000, and it means that the other states will not only be taking care of their own expanded Medicaid rolls, but they will be picking up the tab for Nebraska's increases also. Well, it seems that the Attournys General of 13 states have objected, threatening to sue if that provision isn't removed, questioning it's constitutionality. The 13 are Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Michigan, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington state. Even some of the Representatives in Nebraska are asking if it's legal, let alone fair. Reid had to agree to this to get the vote of Nelson for cloture, meaning debate was over, and the bill could enter into negotiations to reconcile the two bills from the House and Senate. If Harry Reid aquiesses and removes that provision, will he lose Nelson's vote to send the new bill to the full Congress to approve and send to the President? He needs every vote to keep the Republicans from fillibustering when the bill comes up for a vote again. And how about the $300 million sent to Louisiana? And all of the other pork in this monstrosity? Not to mention the legality of forcing American's to buy health insurance, thereby mandating that people pay for something they may never use, or might not use for years. The truth of it is that this bill is just one lawsuit after another waiting to happen. At least, with any luck. However, it is not known at all yet whether Reid will have the votes at all after the Senate bill is reconciled with the House bill. If there is a public option in it, he will lose at least two Democrats, and Independant Senator Leiberman. He can't afford to lose anybody if he wants it to pass. Guess we will have to wait for details to leak out about the newly combined bills after they get back from their 'holiday' vacation. Should be interesting, to say the least.
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