This is mostly a political blog, of a conservative,Libertarian bent, but I will post pics of our pets, and talk occasionally about the necklaces and other things that I make and paint.

Saturday, January 2, 2010
What a mess!!
Oh, where to even start...I've been away from the computer, mostly, for too long, and too much in the news to discuss. But I said that the next entry would be about the Health Care bill, and so it will be, at least to start. In a last minute deal with Nebraska's Senator, Ben Nelson, Reid said that they would excuse Nebraska from having to pick up the extra Medicaid that will inevitably occur as millions more are added to the rolls. The deal is worth an estimated $100,000,000, and it means that the other states will not only be taking care of their own expanded Medicaid rolls, but they will be picking up the tab for Nebraska's increases also. Well, it seems that the Attournys General of 13 states have objected, threatening to sue if that provision isn't removed, questioning it's constitutionality. The 13 are Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Michigan, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington state. Even some of the Representatives in Nebraska are asking if it's legal, let alone fair. Reid had to agree to this to get the vote of Nelson for cloture, meaning debate was over, and the bill could enter into negotiations to reconcile the two bills from the House and Senate. If Harry Reid aquiesses and removes that provision, will he lose Nelson's vote to send the new bill to the full Congress to approve and send to the President? He needs every vote to keep the Republicans from fillibustering when the bill comes up for a vote again. And how about the $300 million sent to Louisiana? And all of the other pork in this monstrosity? Not to mention the legality of forcing American's to buy health insurance, thereby mandating that people pay for something they may never use, or might not use for years. The truth of it is that this bill is just one lawsuit after another waiting to happen. At least, with any luck. However, it is not known at all yet whether Reid will have the votes at all after the Senate bill is reconciled with the House bill. If there is a public option in it, he will lose at least two Democrats, and Independant Senator Leiberman. He can't afford to lose anybody if he wants it to pass. Guess we will have to wait for details to leak out about the newly combined bills after they get back from their 'holiday' vacation. Should be interesting, to say the least.
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