Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Truth About the Fair Tax

     Goo--ooo-d Morning, People! Oh, I looked at the subject and said "BORRRRING!!! But trust me, it isn't if you are currently paying those taxes. And there is so much bad and wrong information being put out there by the Progressives and Liberals, that everyone who knows the truth about this proposal MUST keep trying to get it understood and passed. The people in D.C. are stealing the future of our children and grandchildren. Our Country cannot maintain a $12 + TRILLION dollar deficit. So, what are the people in D.C. doing? They are RAISING the debt ceiling so that they can borrow and spend more. They are doing exactly what we fought the British and the King for-taxation without representation, because the vast majority of Americans are NOT being represented! Not at all. And if you actually are among those who pay taxes, and I'm not talking about the FICA deduction, because Social Security deserves, and requires, a whole entry of it's own. I mean taxes that you don't get back, both Federal and State. And not the 'earned income' that is 'earned' only by having children, either, because you didn't pay that money into the system, and it's money that rightfully belongs in someone else's pocket! Now, I know that that statement is enough to get me onto the Progressive's Hit List, but it had to be said before we can discuss what the system does now, and what it can do if the Fair Tax is passed.

     Now, the Fair Tax is a 'Consumption' Tax. That means that a person would pay the tax at the time of purchase. This tax would first of all, be "Budget Neutral", meaning that it would keep the Federal Government functioning at whatever level they need to be functioning. It would pay for our War On Terror, which is the proper term, not a 'person initiated disruption', or whatever it was that our people in D.C have decided to call it. It would pay for Infrastructure, and all of the services that are provided by the Federal Departments. Although there are several new ones that need to go away, that is yet ANOTHER column. LOL  Back to the subject at hand. Because no one believes that a person or a family should pay taxes on the things that are essential for living, such as food, or utilities, or an adequate amount of clothes, or school supplies for the kids,(folks over the age of 18 would have to pay for their own books and supplies), the Fair Tax would send each person, or family if that's what you are, the amount of money that you would be expected to pay in tax for those things, up to the Federal Poverty Level, which seems to climb every year. That money would be deposited in your bank account the first of every month. For everyone who met the guidelines, every month. And, if you didn't spend that much on the taxes, well, BINGO!! Extra Money!! Yea! And the tax would only apply to new items; nothing used would be taxed at the Federal level. Nothing. Not a used leather coat, or a used motorcycle to wear it with. Not a used car, except if it only has the few miles put on it in the process of getting it from the ship to the train, to the dealer, and how many miles are added if the car is driven for test drives. If the car is sold, and the new owner decides that they don't really like it, well, then it's used, even if it has less than a hundred miles on it. Now, I must insert here that the fully operational aspect of this tax depends on the individual States passing the Fair Tax, also, which I believe would happen as soon as they saw how well it worked. Or as soon as the people demanded it. Back to what the Fair Tax WOULD do--the best thing, in my opinion, is that it would repeal the 16th Amendment, and it would totally abolish the IRS! That single aspect should be enoough to get it passed, but because of that single aspect, the IRS and all of the K Street lawyers are fighting this bill with everything they have to throw at it, mostly misinformation to Congressmen and Congresswomen. Or Congresspeople, or whatever the politically correct term is at this point in time.Luckily, there is a grassroots movement going on in this Country, and more and more folks are learning the truth about the Fair Tax as they attend The Tea Party gatherings. Yes, the Tea Party, or even the teabaggers, as the loser-wing media is prone to call us. I call them the Dinosaur Media, because they are almost exstinct! I don't even remember who first coined that term, but I still like it. Anyway...

     People, we are already paying taxes, at a rate of about 22-23%, built in to everything we buy. All of the producers, whether those of a field of soybeans, or of a new car, and everything else, pay taxes. But that cost is passed on to you!! At every step of the way that something comes to the stores and every other place that we purchase something, they add the price of their doing business, whatever that business might be. If they grow a crop of veggies, they add their costs; if they store those veggies, they add their cost. If they broker those veggies, they add the cost of doing business. EVERY step of the way to market. Then we pay our state and local taxes on top of it. Add it up, and you are paying a hidden tax of about 22-23%. 

     I think that is enough to digest for a day or two, so I'll continue this in the next blog entry. Thank you for reading my musings on politics. I'll soon do a blog on my artworks, of whatever kind I happen to be doing at the time.  

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