Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Puppetmaster Speaks"

     At a dinner given to honor George Soros by the International Crisis Society, Soros took the time in an interview to really blast the Fox News Channel, and Glenn Beck in particular. He lamented that Beck is "Some kind of throwback to radical elements", and that " never before have they been given such a public platform to foment their hate". Well now, maybe that last part, except for the bit about hate, is true. The Conservative majority of the American public has never had a fair platform to discuss and to be informed about what the government and the people in it are doing. The dinosaur media has always been slanted to the left, and to the Left. Now, with Fox News, both sides have a place to discuss and debate the current goings on in government and in public society. And most of that dinosaur media is fighting against Fox, trying to get them taken off of the air. It won't work. Thank goodness.
    Now, back to Soros. This is arguably the most powerful man in the world because he has the means to take down the monetary system of virtually any country in the world, and he has done it before. The latest was the monetary system in Great Britain in 1992. He could, at this time of a weakened dollar, bring about a total collapse of the U.S. dollar, bringing us to our knees, and speeding us toward a One World Society, which is what the Uber Left has dreamed of for 100 years. This Uber Left and George Soros are constantly calling Beck a liar, a delusional fanatic, and any other bad name they can think of, or use in public. But no one has brought a lawsuit against Beck, and the White House had a direct phone line to call him at any point in time if he said something that was wrong. They never called. Go figure. And Soros has the money, and I'm sure has lawyers on retainer, to jump on anything that Beck might get wrong in his expose' of the connections between Soros and the extreme Left wing radical groups that HE supports, sometimes to the exclusivity of any other support that they might get. The fact that no one has yet to bring such a lawsuit is as telling as anything that they might say in describing Glenn. 
     Beck has been almost a seer in predicting the things that are happening right now, things that he talked and warned about four or five years ago. He warned us about the falling dollar back at least three years ago, because that's how long I have listened to him, and I remember thinking that he didn't know what he was talking about. But he did, because it's happening right now. We are in danger in this Country of losing our identity, and no one in the dinosaur media is saying anything about it. No one is doing the research except Glenn, to find, and expose all of the connections on the extreme left that are aligning to force change on America, change that the vast majority of us do not want! Look at the "Shellacking" that we handed the Democrats in the just held mid-term elections.The success of the Tea party Movement is because we don't like the things that the Dems forced down our throats with the help of President Obama, and we don't want it to happen again. And we owe a great deal of that success to Glenn Beck and Fox News, because they at least talked about us like we were adults with a brain, and that allowed us to join together and realize the power that we actually have. And that power wasn't based on, or tolerant of hate, or bias, or violence. So George Soros is wrong--again. Let him bring a suit against Glenn and the Fox Channel if he has been lied about. Otherwise--be quiet!! And the same goes for MSNBC, and CNN, and all the rest of the dinosaur media. Yeah, fat chance of that, right? Not Racist, Not Violent, No Longer Silent.   



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