The Democratic Republic in which we reside may be at a turning point right now.We are going through a sea change at such a rapid pace, thanks to this Administration's policies and muted accomplishments, that it has given rise to a phenomenon in American politics not seen since the formation of this great nation-the Tea Party Movement. And this movement seems to have gotten the attention of Washington D.C., no small feat. The 'anti-incumbent' mood of the Tea Partiers appears to worry both Partys, but the Democrats more so, to hear the vitriol when they speak of the Tea Party Movement, or any of it's prominent players, such as Sarah Palin. And we all know how brutal the Dems and their lap dogs, the dinosaur media, have been to Sarah.
To hear the Dems discus the Tea Party, one might get the impression that we are all racist, violent homophobes, frothing at the mouth, possibly rabid and carrying AK47's with an extra clip in our pockets, 'just in case'.
We have been called everything that one can use as bad, and I sometimes wish I did have an AK-47,but only for self-protection if things go bad someday. And an extra clip for anything is just smart. But I am not racist, and neither are any of the other Tea Partiers, nor are we violent, or homophobic. However, we do mostly believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I have many gay friends, some of whom have gotten married, and I don't get all bent out of shape about it. It doesn't really affect me, and the Libertarian in me says that it's their own business. As long as it doesn't deprive me of life, liberty, or property, it, again, doesn't affect me. But then my values say that it does affect me, as it contributes to the breakdown of society that is going on now. And I worry and pray for the society and the Country because it is slowly disappearing right before our eyes. However, I don't think the Democratic Party, or SEIU, or the AFL-CIO, or even the Administration can point to a single racist, or violent occurrence by a legitimate Tea Party member, and that wasn't the work of an implant, probably from the SEIU, or ACORN. Just look at the professionally produced signs that they carry, then look around...virtually all of the signs of Tea Party members are homemade.
Earlier this year, after the Tea Party Rally in D.C. when the first real accusations of racism began to circulate, Brett Brietbart offered a $ 100,000 dollar reward for pictures of racist signs, or actions, and the reward went unclaimed. It seems likely, with all of the TV cameras and photographers that were there, that SOMEONE would have produced some real evidence. They can't, because it doesn't exist. Tea Party members are tired of the lies and virtual theft coming out of Washington year after year. We are waking up to the realization that if we revere the Constitution, we have to act. Our Representatives and Senators and especially the president, have forgotten that they swore to uphold the Constitution, which lays forth the powers enumerated to each branch. Obama has done so many things that are NOT given to the president or his CZARS, that I have trouble remembering them. And the whole Czar thing in the first place is ridiculous! I know that Bush started it, but he is a Progressive, too, just a Republican one, and by nature went much slower in appointing people and calling them 'czars'.I remember only one, although there might turn out to be more. I'm just saying that part of the drive of the Tea Parties, is the seeming irreverence of those that we have sent to Washington when it comes to the Constitution. There is nothing in there that gives a President the power to take over a car company, or decimate business and banking in the ways that he has. Another reason that the Tea Party is spreading and growing is because we all know that our great Country's debt is unsustainable, and the Obama Administration even admitted that. We are right now barely able to make the interest payments, and that will actually happen in a very few years. I believe they said that would happen in 2013 if we don't get it under control fast. And we pay enough in taxes now, and do not believe the President when he says that we middle class folks will not see our taxes raised.Programs like Medicaid are getting cuts already, and doctors in Texas are even considering not treating Medicaid patients because of the cuts in pay. Great...thousands are about to be dumped onto the Medicaid rolls, and doctors are thinking about not accepting them as patients. Funny thing is, what good does having insurance do you if you can't find a doctor to treat you? Medicare patients might have a hard time, too, since there is already a shortage of physicians to treat the elderly in many states, and now that the 'Boomers' are getting to the age to start collecting Medicare, and needing doctors more often, this is not good. Not good at all.
Besides pushing the ridiculous Obamacare bill through, about the only other policy that Obama has made good on is the one where he said that he would make a "Fundamental Change in America", which he said many times during the run-up to the nomination, and even in his Inaugural Address. And after taking over the banking industry, the largest car-maker in America, and piling regulations on everything from clean air to Wall Street, I'd say he's come pretty close to that fundamental change; we're almost France now, as most of Europe tries to become more like us. It would be funny if it wasn't so scary. Maybe Obama isn't a clear Socialist, but his policies sure are.
No, Tea Party Movement members are not racist, or why would our Black members stick around? We are not violent, or why would Grandparents bring their Grandchildren with them? But we are also no longer silent, no longer asleep at the wheel, and we are spreading the word, and growing in numbers exponentially. By the time it is time to vote, our numbers will be huge--mark my words. We will not remain silent while the Obama Administration turns our beloved Country into another Greece.We will no longer remain silent while our system of Capitalism is decimated. And we will no longer stay at home while Washington D.C. destroys the America that we love. Not racist, not violent, No Longer Silent. Remember those words.
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