Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gee, does 'Climategate' mean that the Gory One will have to give back the Peace Prize? I only wish. Lord Monckton had a standing challenge to debate Gore, but Gore wouldn't do it. Probably because he knew that he'd look like the idiot he is if he ever did debate. Everyone should watch this video!!

It will scare the daylights out of you! And I don't want to hear any of that "He's not a scientist" garbage,

or that I'm not, as we are both educated, and intelligent enough to understand the truth. Besides, back

when I was an ignorant Democrat, I did a college paper on 'Global Warming'. I was convinced then

that it did exist, and I just ate it up. Got a 'A' on the paper and presentation, too. So I know a little bit

about the initial way that the stats were compiled, and it was all based on computer models. Now,

we know that the Weather Service uses the same models, and they can't even predict what will

happen next week!!! So, listen up, people! Watch the video, and watch a couple of the others that

he has done.

Gore cancels on Copenhagen lecture – leaves ticketholders in a lurch


It seems the uncertainty about Copenhagen is growing. When Al baby pulls the plug, you know it’s hosed.

From Berlingske: Al Gore cancels lecture during COP15

Al Gore cancels lecture during COP15

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