Let me mention the good thing first--Last week when President Obama accepted his Nobel Peace Prize, he actually seemed to be speaking up for his country, a totally unexpected move coming from him. Seems in the past, he was in the habit for apologizing for everything we had ever done, or might do in the future. And when he admitted that evil exists in the world, and that Al Queida is evil, I started to think that there might be a bit of hope. But the onerous shadow of Copenhagen still looms in the short term, and Obama seems ready to sign away our sovereignty to "atone' for our carbon sins of the past. Now, in reality, I know that our Congress would never ratify any treaty that was as useless at accomplishing it's goal as this one will be. As you can see by the excerpt below, if China and India, and several South American countries do not sign on to reduce their own Greenhouse gasses, it will make no difference in the effect of said gasses on our environment. And Mr. Taylor isn't the only person saying this...it's been pretty widely discussed, and not only in Copenhagen. Those of us who know the truth-that 'Global Warming' is a natural occurrence and not really very much exacerbated by humans, also know that without the rapidly developing nations such as China and India, and Brazil among others, whatever we do will make no real difference in the overall scheme of Mother Nature. And even if ALL nations signed onto the agreement, the total Greenhouse gas would diminish by only one tenth of one percent, making so little difference as to be unnoticeable! The Sun is getting hotter, folks! If the surface of Jupiter is warming at the same rate as the Earth, what does that tell you? Last time I checked, Jupiter didn't have much traffic, or coal plants,either. Below you will find an excerpt from a speech given by James Taylor, a Senior Fellow at the Heartland Institute.
"Responding to assertions that developing nations such as China and India should be exempt from a global carbon dioxide agreement because western nations are responsible for the majority of past carbon dioxide emissions, Taylor said, 'Regardless of the source of past emissions, there will be no appreciable change in atmospheric greenhouse gases unless all nations step up to the plate and do their part. If China, India, and other leading emitters insist on being exempt from carbon dioxide restrictions, Copenhagen is merely an exercise in global redistribution of wealth rather than a serious discussion of global climate change.'
James M. Taylor can be reached at (941) 776-5690 and jtaylor@heartland.org."
Next time, we'll discuss this travesty of a health care bill. Ciao, People. Tess
This is mostly a political blog, of a conservative,Libertarian bent, but I will post pics of our pets, and talk occasionally about the necklaces and other things that I make and paint.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Some of the 'Fur babies'
Daisy saw the camera come out, climbed up here, and made a strange, yet appealing, still life! Teeheehee
Fur babies
Daisy, our clown
Dory, the Fat Girl, also called Walrus
I find it interesting that people who are discussing America's 'global footprint' ad nauseum, have not only reserved all 1200 limos that belong to anyone in Denmark, they are having to import them from Sweden and Germany. And the 140 private jets that have, SO FAR, checked in, will have to be spread out to a plethora of airports, also in more than one country. Can we all say "Hypocrites"!!! And Al Gore will take on Sarah Palin, but sure won't debate Lord Monckton. Interesting. And by that I mean, not at all!!
Now, that's it for tonight, and Instead I'm going to upload some pics of my fur babies, and then some. If I can remember how after so long...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Gee, does 'Climategate' mean that the Gory One will have to give back the Peace Prize? I only wish. Lord Monckton had a standing challenge to debate Gore, but Gore wouldn't do it. Probably because he knew that he'd look like the idiot he is if he ever did debate. Everyone should watch this video!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMe5dO
It will scare the daylights out of you! And I don't want to hear any of that "He's not a scientist" garbage,
or that I'm not, as we are both educated, and intelligent enough to understand the truth. Besides, back
when I was an ignorant Democrat, I did a college paper on 'Global Warming'. I was convinced then
that it did exist, and I just ate it up. Got a 'A' on the paper and presentation, too. So I know a little bit
about the initial way that the stats were compiled, and it was all based on computer models. Now,
we know that the Weather Service uses the same models, and they can't even predict what will
happen next week!!! So, listen up, people! Watch the video, and watch a couple of the others that
he has done.
Gore cancels on Copenhagen lecture – leaves ticketholders in a lurch
3122009It seems the uncertainty about Copenhagen is growing. When Al baby pulls the plug, you know it’s hosed.
From Berlingske: Al Gore cancels lecture during COP15
Friday, December 4, 2009
You know, I understand that I can be really annoying...I do talk to the TV, after all. And if I'm in the middle of creating something, well, I might, occasionally talk to myself. Drives the DH totally nuts. Then again, if he would talk to me now and then, well, things might be different. Well, no, they probably wouldn't be. I try really hard not to do it, or not to talk to him about politics, but I've been unable to do it. As they would say around here, I'm "eat up with it" when it comes to politics. LOL I love it, and I hate it, too. Well, hate is such 'politically incorrect' word. Actually, I am NOT politically correct at all, so, if hearing that I think Liberals are idiots, or that I want our country to be successful but do not believe that President Obama will get us there, then you had better find another blog to read. I am a Conservative Libertarian who wants nothing more than for the government to be responsive to "We the people", responsible enough to tell the truth, and then to just get out of the way!! There is absolutely nothing that government does well except national security, and I'm not so sure about that anymore. Oh, I'm sure that there are a couple of things in their column, but Health Care and energy policy are not among them at this time, or probably ever for this Administration. Here we are, with the Administration trying to take us to a single-payer system of medical care, (oh, come on...you know that's their ultimate goal), and the rest of the world that has that type of medicine are all trying to move to our type of medical care. The PM of Oz stated that it will probably take 5yrs. to switch to the American type of health care. My friend there just got tested for something that the Dr. thinks she has, but after negative results, she has to wait another year before she can get re-tested. That's insane! And yet, that is what many in this country want. Germany, Great Britain, and even France are mulling over making the change, also. They all give thought to embracing more Free Enterprise, and we head blindly toward Socialism. Disturbing, to say the least.
Good Morning. I'm not exactly new to this, and yet, I am. Tried it once before, even had the help of a friend. But, as much as I knew that I was a computer rookie, it was far harder to do some things than I even thought it was, and he soon got tired of my whining, or 'whinging' according to a friend in Oz. That's Australia, if you didn't already know. Anyway, I am a bit better than the last time, so I'm going to try it again. This time it will be every day, or every other, or every few. Who knows? LOL Mostly it will be about politics, and the destruction of our country, but I might write about our goofy pugs, the blind cat, or life in a tiny town in the country. So, beware. I'm Ba-a-ck! T.
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