This is mostly a political blog, of a conservative,Libertarian bent, but I will post pics of our pets, and talk occasionally about the necklaces and other things that I make and paint.

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Who Knew???
I'm sure my friend knew...the one who has already done it, but this is WORK!! What am I talking about? I am trying to set up a store on Etsy, which is an on-line store of all handmade or vintage items. I use several types of techniques to make jewelry and other items, and I thought I would try selling a few of them. I didn't realize how much work it took to do just that. I have retaken photos more than once, found a photo-editing program that I could actually use to re-size those photos, figured out how to list them by giving a decent description, and gotten them uploaded to my store. It has taken me two days to get just eight of them actually in the store. But I am getting better. Sort of, I guess. I have so many new pictures to take tomorrow, and I sure do hope that the Sun comes out, at least for a little while. Oh, well, back to the mill...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sara Palin
Let me start by saying that I am no longer a big fan of Sara Palin. But this whole mess over the fact that she wrote a few words as prompts to remember things in her speech, is ridiculous! All of the dinosaur media ran with it, putting it on the front page of the papers, on the cover of the magazines, and to what end? Conservatives won't roast her, and the people in the Tea Party Movement will just find it endearing. It makes her one of the regular folks even more than before, because who of us didn't write something on our palm that we needed to remember? And comparing it to Obama's use of the Tele-Prompter is insane...she had four or five words, not the entire speech, as he does. Maybe she isn't all that polished, but that also helps her. My suggestion to the Progressives is to lay off, or you will continue to make her look good to most of the people in the country. But luckily, I know that you are incapable of leaving her alone, just because she's a strong, independant Conservative, and proud of it, and you can't understand her at all. Therefore, you have to attack her--you who are so tolerant, and inclusive.
I used to be a big fan of Sara's, but that changed somewhat when she again started campaining for John McCain. I consider McCain to be a R.I.N.O.--Republican In Name Only, for those of you who don't know that. He is far too willing to compromise and cross the aisle to the Dem.'s side, and some of the things that he has been a major sponsor of have done far more harm to the cause of Conservatism than a lot of Democrats themselves. I commend his never taking earmarks, and I thank and honor him for his service to this country. But I would very much like to see him replaced when next he is up for re-election in November. Probably won't happen. could happen. Anyway, when Sara started working to get him re-elected, I lost some of the respect that I had for her. I still think she is an important piece of the Tea Party Movement, but that is about the extent of her influence on me.
Happy Wednesday! See you later.
I used to be a big fan of Sara's, but that changed somewhat when she again started campaining for John McCain. I consider McCain to be a R.I.N.O.--Republican In Name Only, for those of you who don't know that. He is far too willing to compromise and cross the aisle to the Dem.'s side, and some of the things that he has been a major sponsor of have done far more harm to the cause of Conservatism than a lot of Democrats themselves. I commend his never taking earmarks, and I thank and honor him for his service to this country. But I would very much like to see him replaced when next he is up for re-election in November. Probably won't happen. could happen. Anyway, when Sara started working to get him re-elected, I lost some of the respect that I had for her. I still think she is an important piece of the Tea Party Movement, but that is about the extent of her influence on me.
Happy Wednesday! See you later.
Hi There. I know that I said that I was finished with the Fair Tax, but a good friend pointed out some things that either weren't very clear, or were mistaken, or so she thinks. So, I have the second book, Titled "Fair Tax: the Truth", and as soon as I can get the time to look up and find all of my goofs, I will correct, or try to make plain, the questions that she, and probably others, had. Meantime, I'll get something for you to read.
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