Barack Obama is a compulsive, pathological liar. About 40% of everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Even his supposed autobiography "Dreams From My Father" is a lie, composed of melds of several people into one for several characters, for the sake of expediency. He has admitted that this is true, and therefore whole portions of the book are a lie. A lie is a falsehood that you know is a falsehood, even if you write it instead of speaking. He has lied since before he was elected. He said, when asked about his relationship with domestic terrorist and avowed Communist Bill Ayers, that he was "just a guy who lived down the street", yet they served on the board of a foundation together and Obama announced his Presidential campaign in Ayers living room. Sounds like more than 'just a guy down the street' to me. It was a lie.
In June of 2005, just months after Obama took office as a U.S. Senator, he and Tony Rezko, now a convicted felon currently in prison, bought properties next to each other so that Obama could get the Greenwood Mansion for a much-reduced price. Obama would not have been able to make that deal alone. Rezko was commonly known to be a Chicago 'slum lord', with real estate connections. But Obama lied about their relationship, saying that Rezko was an 'acquaintance' from Chicago. Oh, really, Obama? That was a lie.
During his presidential campaign Obama stated that his mother was denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition, and died of cancer that went untreated. He used her picture in a political ad, and made the claim over and over in his speeches. In fact, his mother had health insurance through her employer, and was only denied disability insurance. Blatant lie.
For 20 years the Obama family sat in the pews of the church of Jeremiah Wright while Wright spewed hatred for America, even stating that we deserved 9/11, when the "Chickens came home to roost." Obama stated that he became a Christian in Wright's church, and he was even married there. But when Americans began to hear some of the words that issued from Wright's mouth every Sunday, well, Obama suddenly "Never heard any of that sort of thing" coming from Wright, and he quickly distanced himself, basically throwing Wright under the bus. Wright has recently come out and said that he felt "horribly betrayed" by the man he had once called friend, and that he was offered money to just go away for a while. Obama lied once again.
When Obama was selling his $787 billion dollar stimulus bill, he constantly said that "shovel ready jobs would be created all across the nation". He even admitted later that that was a lie when he said "There is no such thing as a shovel ready job."
During the whole 2008 presidential campaign Obama said over and over that lobbyists would lose their influence in his administration, as in "...I don't take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won't find a job in my White House", yet at least a dozen former lobbyists got top jobs in his White House at the beginning of his administration. Another lie.
I could go on.There are several lies dealing with the promised "transparency" of his administration. And I'll wait a little while before delving into the lies around the "Fast and Furious" program, or the blatant lies that Obama and his operatives are spewing about Mitt Romny. And there are others, too. What would we find if his college records were actually released, or if the media finally vetted Obama, instead of fawning all over him? Oh, well, THAT will never happen, but maybe with all of the leaks around D.C. for the last three and a half years, maybe there is hope of seeing those college records after all. Probably not, though. If Obama does get reelected, the lies will go on unabated, I'm sure, but we can all, or at least those of us who are rational and love America, we can all pray that it doesn't happen.