Well, it took me more than the 24 or so hours I said that I would need to get back to the blog, but I'm here now, so I'll write. There is so much going on right now in the world of politics that it's hard to decide on a subject. We could discuss all of the lies that Obama has told in the last few years, or his war on religion, but I think that the mess known as "Fast and Furious" is what I want to concentrate on this time.
If you don't know exactly what 'Fast and Furious' means, or what it stands for, you are not alone because the 'Dinosaur Media' has not spent virtually any time talking about it. They know that this is one of the Obama Administration's biggest mistakes, if not the very biggest. "Fast and Furious" is the name given to a gunwalking debacle that took the life of a border agent, Brian Terry. Gunwalking refers to the selling of multiple rifles and 'long guns' at the same time, and the ATF not only knew that these guns were going to Mexican drug lords, they encouraged gun sellers to make the deals, with the specific intention in the beginning of tracking the guns. But even after loosing complete control of the guns right from the get-go, the ATF continued to tell the gun dealers to make the sale of multiple guns at a time. CBS News has gotten hold of several e-mails between ATF agents talking about the program, and the fact that they could use the sales of these guns as a reason to further inhibit the sale of guns to law abiding Americans. After Border Agent Brian Terry was killed, and the guns at the scene were identified, the program came to light, much to the Administrations' chagrin. But although Attorney General Eric Holder has been before a House Committee several times since then, the public still cannot say that we know who in the ATF thought of this insane program, or who signed off on it. Eric Holder has been stonewalling from day one, stating that he didn't know anything about it, nor did Obama. In January of last year, he submitted a letter to the Committee that lay the blame on agents of the ATF, and saying that they had been removed from their jobs. That letter was subsequently found to have several false statements in it, and it was withdrawn.Holder has since provided around 7300 papers to the Committee, but has denied the over 130,000 other papers that have been subpoenaed. Now, with a Congressional vote due on Thursday to hold the Attorney General in Contempt of Congress, Obama has asserted his right to declare the requested papers to be under Executive Privilege, thus keeping them out of the hands of the Committee, at least until after the election. A Federal Judge will look at the papers in question and decide whether or not they do fall under the blanket of Executive Privilege. Perhaps someone will convince the Judge to expedite the review and his decision, perhaps not.
But I really believe that the' Fast and Furious' program was meant to allow Obama and Holder to use the 'appearance' of these assault rifles to call for stricter laws dealing with the sale and ownership of this and other types of rifles or assault rifles. After all, Obama had already stated that there were guns from the U.S. being used to kill and spread mayhem,(my words), to our neighbor to the South, But that turned out not to be true, leaving him possibly being found out to be the serial liar that he is. Instead, they happened on this ill-conceived program that was never really fleshed out, or used, during the Bush years; they changed the outline to hide the fact that Obama lied, and it would also offer them the chance to ram tougher gun laws through, thus giving the Left something they had been after for more than a decade. Meanwhile, the Terry family still does not have the answers that they want, and deserve, about their son's death, and why it occurred. And neither do the American people. Not to mention the families of the more than 300 Mexicans who were also killed by some of these guns. But not to worry, since the Obama Administration and the Left are all for the rights of the Brown folks in America. Just not those in Mexico I guess.They are on their own with the drug gangs and their 'coyotes'.
This is mostly a political blog, of a conservative,Libertarian bent, but I will post pics of our pets, and talk occasionally about the necklaces and other things that I make and paint.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
There are two very big issues that, surprisingly enough,( yeah, right), have received absolutely zero coverage in the dinosaur media. Let's all put on our shocked faces now! If the Network News is all you watch, or if you only read the New York Times, you will have heard nothing about the lawsuits, all 42 of them, brought against the Obama Administration for their having overstepped their boundaries in issuing the decision about what constitutes a church, what with the mandates about carrying health insurance that provides for birth control. Before you continue, you might want to read the 1st Amendment to the Constitution if this doesn't make your stomach knot up! Many pundits and politicians are stating that there are waivers for churches to excuse them from various parts of Obamacare, and they would be right. However, the Feds have decided what the definition of a church is, and it states that a church may not hire anyone not of their faith, nor serve, (as in 'provide medical care' for one thing), anyone not of their faith. So, Notre Dame, nor Georgetown can educate anyone who is not Catholic, and all of the Catholic hospitals and clinics and other schools are not to be allowed to serve all of the people who seek the aforementioned education or medical services. Really? REALLY?? Since when does the Federal Government get to say what is or is not a church? This is one of the most blatant power grabs in the history of the United States. Oh, wait, Obama didn't go to school in the U.S. until he was in college, so he doesn't know what the history of this country is, does he? By the way, he was NOT a Constitutional Law Professor. He MIGHT have taught a law class as an undergrad, or even as a Doctoral student, but he was never paid as a Professor of any kind, so, again I say, he does not know the history of the U.S., just that of Hawaii, which was not a state yet at that point anyway. But all of the other people who are sworn in to uphold the laws of the U.S. should have spoken up about this. I hope the Tea Parties are paying attention, and that there are a lot of new people voted in, and sworn in come the Fall elections, not the least of which is Obama! Folks, even if you are not Catholic, it is important for you to contact your Congresspeople to voice your alarm about this tremendous expansion of power that Washington has decided is o.k., because it's NOT O.K.! This was the main reason that the Pilgrims came to America and started the whole Country...The King had decided that everyone had to belong to the Church of England. Now, come on, does anyone in D.C. even remember the 1st Amendment? Hello!!
This doesn't just apply to the Catholic Church, you know. Does your church own a clinic, or at least, run one? What about Food Pantries? Maybe they just have Missionaries, but they will not be allowed to carry the Word to anyone who isn't already a member of their Faith. Might kind of defeat the purpose, no? Maybe you don't have a problem with providing contraceptives, but how about theft? The Government is not only stealing your taxes, but now they have thrown out the document that has defined the U.S. for 236 years! If this were a Republican Administration, I would say the very same thing, because I feel that the Constitution is almost sacred. It defines who we are as a people. And the greatest freedoms espoused in the amendments is the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Speech. They are both in the First Amendment for a reason, as these are the freedoms granted to us by God, not by man. Not even Obama. And hopefully God will help us defeat that man in November! The second issue will come tomorrow night. Stay tuned.
This doesn't just apply to the Catholic Church, you know. Does your church own a clinic, or at least, run one? What about Food Pantries? Maybe they just have Missionaries, but they will not be allowed to carry the Word to anyone who isn't already a member of their Faith. Might kind of defeat the purpose, no? Maybe you don't have a problem with providing contraceptives, but how about theft? The Government is not only stealing your taxes, but now they have thrown out the document that has defined the U.S. for 236 years! If this were a Republican Administration, I would say the very same thing, because I feel that the Constitution is almost sacred. It defines who we are as a people. And the greatest freedoms espoused in the amendments is the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Speech. They are both in the First Amendment for a reason, as these are the freedoms granted to us by God, not by man. Not even Obama. And hopefully God will help us defeat that man in November! The second issue will come tomorrow night. Stay tuned.
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