Monday, August 30, 2010

Restoring Honor

Well, Glenn Beck blew away all estimates of the size of the crowd that he would have at his "Restoring Honor" rally Saturday, the 8th,  even though most in the dinosaur media did their best to poke fun of the whole idea beforehand, and saying that he would maybe have 100 or 200 people show up. Well, the Parks Service has said in the past that if the two sides of the reflecting pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument are full, that it's at least 250,000. Well, look at the pictures...there are hundreds of thousands more than that!! People not only extend beyond the Washington Monument, they packed in under the trees, and covered the large grassy area to the left side of the monuments, (looking from the Washington Monument back toward Lincoln). I tried to get some of the pics to put in here, but all were copyrighted, so, go look them up. It's easy enough. CBS News hired company to take pics, yet they still came up with a silly 87,000 for their estimate.NBC News was told by one parks service official that there seemed to be about 300,000. At least Scarborough reported Monday morning that there were 500,000. The Associated Press reported that there were "tens of thousands", and yet they took some of the totally revealing photos showing at least 500,000, maybe up to 700,000.  I watched the entire event, since I didn't have the money to go, and I would say there were at least 400,000 and maybe more. But what do I know. 

Anyway, the event was spectacular and there wasn't even any fireworks. Although, when Glenn introduced the Black Brigade, a group of 240 ministers, rabbis, imams, and priests, it was amazing. In case you were educated, as I was, in the public schools, you might not know that the original Black Brigade was during the time just before and during the War for Independence. It was  called  that because it was the preachers of all faiths that wore black robes. The British hated them, because they were calling on their men to fight, so they were targeted and killed whenever found. But this black brigade,all men and women of the cloth, of all religions, will spread the words of the gathering that Saturday, those of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Of doing the right thing, in our own lives first, and in our churches, and communities after that. We must get back to the founding principles that brought our country into being, the same Judeo-Christian principles that have sustained us in times of need from those first days on, those of faith, hope and charity. Love for your neighbor, even if you disagree on almost everything. The message was of turning back to God, and letting Him guide us in our lives. It doesn't matter what God you believe in, get down on your knees and pray for guidance, pray for our Country, pray for our President, and the Congress, and expect miracles. I for one, will be praying for the Speaker of the House, and not to wind up under a house, like her sister did, either. Instead that she will awaken from her stupor, and do what's right for the Country, but that's an awfully big miracle to hope for. 

Alveda King, MLK's niece, came and gave a wonderful speech, and at great risk to herself; she had said on the previous Friday's show, that she had also been told that she wasn't qualified to speak at the same place as Martin Luther King. What utter nonsense!! Who would have the audacity to even say such a thing except a Big Government Progressive. The liberal, dinosaur media, and most of the other Liberals in the Country seem to be totally freaking out about Glenn, especially after they have just seen the crowds that he can bring to an event. And it wasn't even political; there were no signs, no one handing out anything of a political nature, just people and their families, men and women and their kids. Who else can draw a crowd of this size, and there be not one, single arrest, not even any fights that anyone can point to. When Al Sharpten's group marched past, no one even said a single word. And the entire Mall was spotless when everyone left. I heard that there were people walking around with their pokers and barrels, looking for trash, but there wasn't any. Not any! Compare photos with the Mall after Obama's Inaugural Speech, where the grounds were totally trashed.  I think the difference was God. The people who came Saturday had respect for the Monuments, and the Mall as a whole. They respect God's Missive to care for the Earth, and not with meaningless bills and laws trying to restrict our businesses and energy companies. So-called 'green jobs and industry' will come to America more rapidly if the Government just lets private business do what they do--innovate! It's already happening.

Anyway, back to the event held by Beck:this was scheduled many months ahead, and not to coincide with MLK's speech day-that was an accident, but a good one. This event was solely held for those of us who want to get back to the morals and values that made this Country great, those of Faith, Hope and Charity. Yes, there were a lot of Tea Party participants, but  there were also Democrats, and Independents, too. Even a "few" Republicans. (Tee heehee) But more than anything, this gathering of just regular folks has made the dinosaur media just sputter, because they do not know what to do with it but to lie, and hope some of it sticks. The Huffington Post had several photos that they listed as 'crazy people' with someone wearing a tee shirt that read "RESTORING HONOR". Does that sound crazy? Or does that sound like someone you might know? How about the picture of a man with a pocket Constitution in his front pocket? Huffington says that, too, is 'crazy'. Really? Or might that be closer to sounding like your neighbor, or your cousin? Maybe even you? 

It was a very uplifting day for everyone there, and those of us who watched. I encourage you to try to find a copy of the C-Span video; they filmed the whole thing. Watch it for yourself, with a open mind, if you can. But even if you can't, I think that by the time you reach the end, you might feel differently.