Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Laws, not men

The mess in and about Arizona and their new law giving law enforcement the ability to ask someone to prove that they are here legally has created such a firestorm of controversy, it begs to have another chip in, don't you think? John Adams said "a government of laws, not of men", when describing this new Country and the Constitution they were creating. Laws, not men, no matter the color of their skin! All of the hokey , generated protesting and everything that goes with it only continues the call to look at these Democrats, or, if illegal, future Democrats, and see them for what they are...people led by the nose to perform on cue! And lets get Al Sharptan and Jesse Jackson to show up, of course, yelling and screaming about 'profiling', and I would bet even money that neither of them has read the bill. It's only 16 pages long, not too much of a challenge.How spontaneous, with all of the professionally made signs and such. Yeah, 5,000 folks just quietly showed up at the same corner, signs in hand, given out at the meeting place. Spontaneity, what a concept!

It is a Federal law that, if here on a visa, you must carry your 'green card' everywhere you go, whether to the corner drugstore, or the other side of the country. And, if, for any reason, within the constraints of the law, you  are asked to produce that form of identification, you produce it. Right? Most people here on a visa are happy to be here, and follow the rules. The law. But if you are here illegally, well, police officers ought to have the right to ask for proof that you AREN'T here illegally. And actually, they do--President Clinton signed a law allowing just that very thing, and it applies to any law enforcement officer, not just Federal. However, if the Federal laws aren't being enforced, as they aren't, well, then it falls to the State and Locals to enforce the law. Arizona is desperate-not very long ago they were the 'kidnap' capital of the world! They still might be, but I do know that they have the title in this Country. Between the Mexican drug cartels and MS13, the bloodthirsty gang from Colombia, American citizens of Mexican decent were, being snatched off the street at a rate of more than three a day. A DAY! And it wasn't very long ago, either. There was a 325% increase in kidnappings from 2005 until 2008, the last year that such info is available. That's insane! And the ransom demanded was always high, usually higher than the family could raise, because there was no plan, and they were kidnapping regular, middle-class men,not rich men, as one would expect. They were kidnappings of convenience, not planning.  Also, besides all of that, there has been a constant flow of illegals, most staying in Arizona, taxing the abilities of the school systems and the hospitals almost to the breaking point. In Bisbee, AZ, right across the border from Naco, Mexico, the owner expects to have to close in three years because of unpaid medical bills of illegals coming across, being smuggled across, or being transferred from Naco, which has no hospital. And although the numbers of people seeking medical treatment has risen every year, not once has an illegal immigrant paid one dollar on his or her bill. Ever. Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital in Tucson, lost $500,000 last year; Tucson Medical Center closed their trauma center because of uncompensated care; and University Medical Center in Tucson loses close to $1 million a month in unpaid care. How long can any of these hospitals continue to eat such extreme amounts of money in loses and continue to operate? The schools are also having to teach larger and larger numbers of students with little or no increase in budget, forcing more and more cuts to everything. And that is just Arizona, and doesn't count Texas, or California, whose loses are far larger. And Florida is another state with struggling hospitals because of uncompensated care of illegals, and, in their case, elderly.

Arizona was desperate, and the Feds weren't even talking to them, or even trying to help pay for any of the loses. Maybe some banks are "too big to fail", but maybe some hospitals are "too important to fail". Unfortunately for them, the U.S. government is broke now, so they are on their own, I guess.

Back to the original reason for this blog entry... showing that you have the right to be here isn't any different than me, or anyone else, showing their driver's license and insurance papers if asked by a policeman. If I don't co-operate, I go to jail, and cops don't seem to have a sense of humor about the whole thing, either. Why do you insist on hammering about it being 'racial profiling', and illegal discrimination. Hogwash! READ THE BILL!! If you had, you would have seen that profiling is not allowed at all. Besides, we aren't too worried about Swedes, or Russians coming in illegally. By and large, they are Mexicans. And another thing--Jihadists can be made to look like Mexicans, or Central Americans who could be coming with no good intentions, either.

What it boils down to is that the Federal government isn't doing what it's supposed to do--enforce the law! There are all kinds of excuses, none of which matter. Enforce the law! Hire as many Border Patrol Agents as needed, build the fence,(which is the cheapest of the options, by the way), or put crossing junctions at all of the places that most illegals are using. Whatever it takes.Yes, we need the workers, but maybe some of the unemployed millions might be interested in some of those jobs. And if not, well, put in some kind of temp. visa for seasonal workers, construction workers, whatever. Put into law some sort of visa granting people the right to work for citizenship, as long as they pay a fine, get real S.S. cards in their name, learn English, and go to the back of the line of people doing everything the right, legal way. But knock of all of this 'racism' garbage, because it does not apply to this law. Period.