Thursday, April 29, 2010


I have rarely been accused of being 'silent', but there is such a move on to silence certain groups, or people, I feel like I must respond. It seems that lately, anyone who criticizes our government in any way is accused of being racist, or worse if there is such a thing in our society anymore. The group that is mostly getting this name in blogs and on a few TV shows, is, of course, the tea parties. People on the Left are continuously trying to paint us as racist, violent gun freaks who are just about to erupt into violence at any point in time. None of which is true. The Founders not only made sure that freedom of speech was the First Amendment to the Constitution, they also encouraged the public to speak out against the government if they thought that what the government was doing was wrong. They believed that that was the most important use of the freedom of speech. Ben Franklin said 
Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such thing as Wisdom; and no such thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of Speech.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, The New England Courant, Jul. 9, 1792

 No such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech. Our government is supposed to ensure our Liberty, and when they start to forget that, we must remind them that they work for us, period! But we now have a new health care system, consisting of 17 pages of new agencies, new government agencies to take control of our medical care in this country despite the fact that the American public overwhelmingly did not want this bill passed. Yes, the tea party folks will speak out, and speak up as this Administration seeks to fundamentally change us into a European form of government. It is our responsibility to speak up. But when we do, the dinosaur media tries to paint us as radicals, as far to the right as is possible, when nothing could be farther from the truth. The tea parties consist of all sorts of folks, Republican and Democrat, Black and white, rich, and not so rich, but all concerned about the direction this Country is taking with the Obama, Reid, Pelosi Administration in charge. We are, and will be, trying to change the equation in the November elections. Not once has any evidence be presented that a violent act was undertaken by a tea party participant, yet that same dinosaur media is totally silent when speaking about the mobs and rioters that have plagued the Capital in Arizona for the last week. They throw bottles at the police, break windows, and yet it's all explained away by saying that they are angry, they are mad, not a word about 'violent' or being mobs. And where is Bill Clinton, after his speech about "words leading to violence" and linking the tea party movement to Tim McVeigh. Not a peep out of him about the words leading to violence in Arizona. Cowardice, that's what it is, and an inability to see the same behavior that they accuse the right of as coming from their own left of left wing support groups. 

Our Founders believed in the power of the individual, and those who are Conservative also believe in the individual. We know that as individuals endowed by our Creator with certain rights, we are also responsible for our actions, and as such, we are more careful of others' rights. The Progressives and extreme left of the Democratic party have created a Party of groups, not individuals. Whether it's the Pinks, or the Greenies, or African-Americans, or college students, everything is geared toward group identity, not individual identity. And as a group, it's much easier to devolve into group mentality. After that, it's also easier to get the group riled up, angry, and violent. 

It's now clear that the dinosaur media is a lost cause--they will never go back to being objective reporters of the news. It will always spin to the left. But I guess that's o.k. with the 46 people who still watch or read anything from this media anyway. And the rest of us will get by, don't worry.